I'm sorry for not being very nice about Puck/Kurt in my last entry! I feel bizarrely guilty about it. I considered writing a Puck/Kurt ficlet by way of apology, but quickly realised that I couldn't write Kurt. Or Puck. Or in a style compatible with the tone of Glee. Whoops.
It's a slightly less fitting apology (although not entirely inappropriate, as I have been generally unfair to Puck), but here is a picture of Puck with a Staraptor. I don't know a great deal about Staraptor, but what I do know is this: if Pokémon existed, Noah Puckerman would own the one with a mohawk.
Seriously, I'm really sorry for being a prat. I can usually coexist quite happily with popular pairings I don't 'ship (Squall/Seifer, Sam/Dean, Ed/Roy); I don't know what happened. You guys have definitely helped me understand the appeal of Puck/Kurt, though, even if I'm not quite 'shipping it yet.
I watched Eclipse last night, to my embarrassment. Charlie is still my favourite character. Roselia NO THAT'S A POKÉMON Rosalie made me think of Quinn, for some reason, and from there it was a short step to picturing Bella as Rachel, Edward as Finn, Emmett as Puck, Jacob as Jesse, Alice as Kurt, Carlisle as Will and Esme as Emma. The film was improved enormously.
Spoilers for Eclipse below; highlight to read:
My favourite point was the one at which Bella asked Jacob to kiss her and a member of the audience loudly exclaimed 'WHAT?'
I'm looking forward immensely to Breaking Dawn, because I have heard such screwed-up things about the book. You will be saying 'WHAT?' many more times, favourite audience member!
When Bella finally agreed to marry that assless freak Edward, incidentally, a small corner of the audience squealed and the rest of the audience cracked up laughing at them. I was generally amused by the fact that the audience frequently laughed at inappropriate moments. I wonder what the ratio of genuine Twilight fans to people who just found Twilight hilarious was.