The Theme Of This Entry Is 'Riona Shouldn't Be Allowed To Make Entries'.

Apr 02, 2009 20:38

From the article in which Derren Brown very quietly came out in September 2007:

You should always come out; life is so much easier. People generally aren't as bothered by your intimate secrets as you are. It took me being in a relationship with a guy for a month before I told anyone I was thus inclined.

I probably shouldn't, but I really, really want mildly angsty fanfiction about Derren coming to terms with his sexuality. I like to think that he didn't actually realise he was gay until he was well into his thirties, and that he became quite angry with himself for taking so bloody long to work it out. I like to think that he couldn't quite suppress his Christian guilt, despite having shaken off his Christian beliefs years ago. I like to think that Derren still thought of himself as straight for about two weeks into his first gay relationship.

I like to think that I am not a bad person despite wanting people to write stories about a real person's sexuality angst, but I have a suspicion that this may be too much to hope for.

In other news: erm. All right. I have been trying to put this off with entries about Avatar and Doctor Who and Derren Brown, but I suppose it had to happen eventually.

You see, I visited th_esaurus a couple of weeks ago, and she showed me some things, and, er.

Er. Well.

I find myself sort of charmed by the Jonas brothers.

I'm so sorry, guys.


Also, Nick Jonas looks like he could be the Doctor. And Kevin has a tendency to rub himself against Joe whilst they perform in a rather unbrotherly manner. (I tried and failed to find an example of this on YouTube, so I'm afraid you'll have to take my word for it, unless anyone can help in the comments.)

If Nick is the Doctor, Kevin is the Master, driven to evil by his unrequited love for Joe, Nick's companion.

...I can no longer even pretend to think that I am not a bad person.)

doctor who, fanfiction, derren brown, video, rpf guilt, my lj friends are real people apparently, crossovers, rd is amazing, jonai

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