Sentences I Would Like To See In Letters More Often: The rest of this letter will be composed of a list of FFVII characters and their prospects as companions for the Doctor. (Thank you so much,
firefly99; your letter has both a) amused me enormously and b) given me inspiration for a silly Livejournal entry, so its approval rating is pretty much through the roof.)
This particular silly Livejournal entry is asking you to evaluate how well characters from your fandoms would work as the Doctor's companions. As an example of one format in which you could do this, have a couple of the evaluations from Fly's (I wrote 'Fly's' as 'Fran's' initially. If Fran were actually sending me letters, that would be amazing) letter:
PROS: Would fit in perfectly; needs quest to find herself; boobs.
CONS: Marthaly enough not to be terribly interesting by now (come on, Doctor, give us some variety!).
PROS: Would also fit in perfectly; might get the Doctor to wear a dress.
CONS (blacked out due to That Spoiler Everyone Knows; highlight to read):
Dead. Would need to be brought back as an assless freak a Cyberman. (Wait, how is that a con?).
Have fun!