It has come to my attention that some of you have not actually experienced the audiovisual horror that is 'Finny Fun' (or 'Swim This Way', as it appears to be officially called, but I cannot possibly think of it as anything other than 'Finny Fun'). Obviously this must be rectified, because you shouldn't be allowed to escape hearing a song that is both absolutely terrible and horrifyingly catchy just because you don't play Kingdom Hearts. That's not fair at all.
Here is a YouTube link for you. If you have not played the Atlantica level on Kingdom Hearts II, you are absolutely required to watch up to the 02:40 mark. (Don't worry; the song isn't six minutes long. Although it does imply that the song is ending and then go OH NO WAIT, DID WE FORGET TO MENTION THAT YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO DONALD DUCK'S HORRIFIC SINGING?
Also: no, your eyes are not deceiving you. That really is half-octopus Donald Duck and half-turtle Goofy. Dancing. Underwater. To a horrible, horrible song.)
...oh, good Lord, I had forgotten about my horrible visions of a tentacled aquatic Pyramid Head and watching that video has just brought them all right back again. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE THE THINGS I GO THROUGH FOR THE SAKE OF INFLICTING FINNY FUN UPON INNOCENT NON-GAMERS.