(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 08:29

I try to avoid random links, but I don't think I can resist telling people about the Psychiatrie für misshandelte Kuscheltiere.

Basically, you have to cure stuffed toys of mental disorders.

No, I'm not kidding.

It's a completely insane concept, which is part of the reason for my loving it. It helps that Kroko is adorable and Lilo is ridiculously cute. (I WANT TO WRITE INCREDIBLY ANGSTY LILO FANFICTION. IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. I can send him through Silent Hill, because hooray for the happy joyous town of Silent Hill! I envision an epic of woe and sadness, with Lilo being constantly attacked by shadowy equations.)

Dolly, however...

"Okay, um, let's try this. Here you go, Dolly, here's some knitting kit - what are you doing, Dolly? Are you going to - oh, for Hyne's sake. STOP STABBING YOURSELF WITH THE NEEDLES. STOP IT, DOLLY, YOU STUPID SHEEP."

I thought that the way they worked the physical aspects of the toys into their problems was very clever. It's all a little disturbing, actually. I'm going to end up looking at my soft toys (mock me all you like!) and wondering what issues they might have.

EDIT: Oh, and you know the bit in the Half-Blood Prince when Sirius comes back from the dead and the Whomping Willow falls in love with him and traps him up in its branches, and Harry runs across the grounds yelling "SIRIUS!" and the Willow kills him out of jealousy, and then Neville saves the world? Wasn't that awesome? Whoops, spoilers.

(Also, I've now written twenty-five Doctor Who fics. That's more fic than I've written for all my other fandoms put together on fanfiction.net. Um, what the hell?)

crossovers, weird pairings, silent hill, fanfiction, online games, harry potter

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