Everyone seems to be feeling a bit miserable at the moment, and I'm no exception (WHY SCHEDULE THREE ENGLISH ESSAY DEADLINES FOR THE SAME WEEK, UNIVERSITY, THAT IS JUST STUPID). What I would really, really like you to do, if you're feeling up to it, is write hilarious banter-filled ficsnippets or bizarre crossovers or ridiculous limericks or shameless fluff in the comments, or doodle Richard Hammond and Oliver being BEST FRIENDS FOR EVER in MSPaint, or draw a technicolor dreamcoat on Pyramid Head - whatever makes you happy, basically. The idea is that we can create a little collection of (not necessarily) fandomy joy in the comments, and hopefully it will make me anyone who needs it feel a little better.
To kick things off (I hope), a thirty-second video that brings me immense amounts of glee:
Jeremy and James' duet from the Africa Special. Oh, boys. You are so utterly evil to each other and I adore you. (With thanks to
th_esaurus for the clip.)