On Thursday, I went to see the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain with
th_esaurus, and there was so much genius packed into such a short space of time that I'm frankly amazed the universe didn't just fold in on itself under the weight of all the awesome. Have you ever seen a folk-style performance of 'Anarchy in the UK'? 'Thunderball' sung with ridiculously overblown gestures? A man plucking a string with his teeth during a ukulele rendition of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'? You, my friend, have not lived. (Unless, of course, you have seen all of those things, in which case why didn't you say so?)
I hadn't actually realised this before seeing him in person, but Will Grove-White is ridiculously attractive. And you've got to admire a man who can sing 'Bing, bang, bong' with a completely straight face. (I kept accidentally calling him 'Will Grove-Bankes' when talking to
th_esaurus afterwards, and so obviously I must refer to him as that from now on. Those are the rules.)
Then we went back to
th_esaurus' place, and I spent the whole of today draping myself over her at every opportunity. I, er. I am starting to understand why my flist at large thinks that I am gay for everyone. Sorry,
th_esaurus! If you ever wish I would stop using you as an impromptu pillow, let me know.
(I wish I knew more about the personalities of the Ukulele Orchestra members, because I have an incredibly weird feeling that I would rather like to throw them into all of my fandoms and see what happens.)