Ok everyone, here is something most of you have been asking me to post for awhile now.
The link below is a link to all the music that is currently in my main Completed albums folder (a lot of them still need to be tagged/renamed, but you get the idea) and to some of the random songs in the completed folder.
This list does not include the 50+ MP3 CDs of albums/random songs i STILL need to go through, the 3gigs of random songs i have (just thingsi hear that i like and download and put into this folder), the almost 10+ gigs of music on my 120gig hard drive that isnt hooked up, or the 10+gigs of music on my 40gig hard drive.
This is JUST the 'Music' folder, which is made up of mostly full/completed albums.
...hahaha...im gonna get soooooooo PWN'ed because of this...lol
Current Album Folder List as of May 2005. Click Here. (Thanks Justin for hosting the html file for me. hehe!)
Also, check out
http://www.psobb.com for the 'Phantasy Star Online: blue Burst' open public beta
http://www.fileplanet.com/betacenter/dungeonsiege2/signup/for the 'Dungeon Siege 2' open public beta as well.
(yes, ill be playing both. lol)