Sep 01, 2008 21:58
This weekend rocked. Usually when on call I'd be sitting at home not wanting to get too far away in case something happened. But, that stopped about a year ago, so this weekend got to be awesome.
Friday was nice and mellow, capping off with a trip to the midnight showing of "The Holy Grail". Unfortunately I got really sporadic sleep so I wound up falling asleep in the middle of the movie. Oh well, I remember how it ends ;p.
Saturday kicked ass. We started with busting out some juniper stumps (think pickaxes, shovels, and a roto-hammer), then hopped off to a party at B's house. Much meat, and beer and movies later we headed out and hit the blur party at The Cellar.
Today was "Up and get crap done" day. We took out more juniper stumps, installed the pullup bar, cleaned more of the garage, got breakfasts made, lunches made all in time to relax later =)
Anyway, good things and tomorrow is the end of the on-call.