this the jam yup.

Feb 03, 2006 11:03

i think for me personally, its always hard to hear things and deal with them, when i have been threw them so and can picture and sympathize on how hard and how scared that person really is. to feel like nothing and noone can help, and to feel like your insanely alone, and to feel like a failure, bcecause its not as easy as "hey i wanna be okay" and then being okay. those nights where u cant sleep, where u dont wanna eat, dont wanna move, cause who the hell knows what is going to happen. and in reality nothing is goin to happen, but every bit and ounce in you is telling you the opposite. to see the look on peoples faces arond you, cause honestly they are just so annoyed of hearing it and of seeing it and of things just not gettin better. and to i cant believe i am doing this to them. it has to be one of the hardest things ever. but it always makes you a stronger person. and you just cant lose the faith that yes indeed, it will be alright. your friends could not be better ones during it though. you got girls that will be there for you every step along the way and who will pick up there phones while in class and get in trouble just to make sure your okay.

oh boy. i just needed to say all that.

i need to get my wisdom teeth out. im not excited. i hate surgery, i hate everyting that has to do with surgery, but i mean whatever, gotta do it i guess.
spent 3 hours...3 frigin hours at the dentist yesterday. i couldnt believe it!

im really happy that some of the girls are coming home this weeekend. i need it. they are what gets me threw everything. i dont know what the hell i would do without them.
got to send in my worcester state application. im applying for housing. hope it goes threw.

ths summer = beach houses and pools. cookouts and camping. and i would love for cali with kayla to really happen.
i just cant wait for summer. it needs to get here fast. sunny days are always better.

im gonna go do some homework, clean, and call.

have a great weekend everyone. be safe!
<3 xoxoxoxoxo
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