I lied, i wanna fill this out for some reason.

Jan 27, 2006 03:18

9 lasts.

last cigarette: winter break...haha with the dip
last alcoholic beverage: this week
last movie seen: red eye
last phone call: justin reed
last cd played: a mix
last bubble bath: long time ago
last time you cried: almost today, but umm prob like a week ago
last time you went to the movies: so long ago
last time you went to the mall: umm with danielle...like a few days ago i think

8 have you evers.

have you ever dated one of your best friends: yes
have you ever skinny dipped: yes
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: yes
have you ever fallen in love: yes
have you ever lost someone you loved: family members who have passed away yes
have you ever been depressed: not clinically //have you ever made prank phone calls: haha oh yah

7 states you've been to.

1. NH
2. Florida
3. CT
4. South Carolina
5. New York
6. Rhode Island
7. Virginia

6 things you've done today.

1. vented to kaylala
2. watched a home video
3. hung out with danielle
4. visited with eric and ryan
5. made cookies with kayla
6. talked on the phone

5 favorite things in no order.

1. friends
2. family
3. alcohol
4. music
5. vacations

4 people you can tell anything to.(no particular order)

1. kayyllaaa reed!
2. lauren buff !
3. erin, my other half of erinsquared!
4. alisha mello!

3 wishes.

1. find a new boyyyyyy :)
2. be happy
3. go on a vacation

2 things you want to do before you die.

1. get married
2. have kids

Last place you were at besides your house

1. CVS
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