My college plan according to my Mother

Jan 18, 2010 18:18

I'm not really looking for pity on this I just need to rant.

So my mother freaked out when I told her that I wanted to transfer to MCTC and get an associates. She said it wasn't a real degree that all it would get me was a department store job. Awesome right??!? Not really. So here are my mother's suggestions:

1. Stay at Stout and tough it out: She stayed at St. Cloud and did that and she hated it and that's life and so that's what I should do because I'm just whining and life is shit. I'M FUCKING MISERABLE THERE.

2. Transfer to another 4 year program at another school: Gee like I haven't thought about that. Hmm I did the research, the only other Schools that Offer my program? MCAD, St. Kate's and The U of M. All of which cost at least twice as much as what she's paying now for my school. Also, looked at the programs at St. Kate's and The U, talked to people...did actual research before even bringing this up. What have I found? The programs are a joke! St. Kate's program outlines only 10 major-related classes for all four years... how many will I have taken at Stout at the end of this semester? 9! And that's only my second year in the Program. On top of that They require an art minor...which luckily for me I've already completed half of!  So yes if I decide to go that route I'll already be done with almost the entire fucking thing...unless my credits don't transfer...then I'd be screwed.

3. Quit...quit college all together: Because three years of a four year degree is alot better than trying to turn it into an Associates...because that would be showing an employer that you just gave up.

4. Take a year off: Which potentially would be good since I hate school but I worry that I just won't go back. I just want to be done with school...not prolong it.

So yea... I'm in love with my life right now...*face desk*
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