Rin's life lessons

Aug 12, 2009 11:59

Ok So when I was organizing my closet I had alot of time to think of things. Mostly they were fashion oriented common-sense kinds of things. These are in no way a shot at any one just some advice that I've decided to give the general public. If this is familiar to you I've either learned it from you or I've told you....or you got it from someone else. Some of this was self- thought up some of it I've learned from you guys!

Before you dis this, and think that you know everything, just read it, you might learn something, if not you were amused for a few minutes. If you have any helpful things to Add I'm all for it I like to learn.

- ORGANIZE YOUR CLOSET! There's nothing worse than having a dis-organized closet with things half-on hangers (or worse on the floor). This is good for you! You can go through and see what you have and need to get rid of. Figure out a system to order your clothing (Situation to wear it in, Length, style, or if you are me, Color), make sure that your tops, bottoms and dresses/full suits are all in their own sections. Never organize by outfit otherwise you will never get to mix and match!

-DONATE/SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES! Now that your closet is organized go through it. If you haven't worn that item in a while then put it in a pile to donate/sell, can't figure out whether or not to keep it the rule of thumb is last 6 months for Casual Clothes (Unless they are seasonal then think if you wore it last year that season), A year for Work clothing (Unless it's a uniform, then try to replace them every 6 months depending on how much wear they have) and Two years for Formal Clothing, Suits, if well maintained can stay in your closet for up to 10 years (that is if the fit is still good and it is not too out of place in today's fashion, also if it is in good condition). Never throw away your old clothes! You can make some cash off of them or at least get a tax deduction. Try GoodWill or Plato's Closet or see if there are other charities in your town that take clothing donations.

-MEN: ALWAYS WEAR AN UNDERSHIRT! Unless you are wearing a t-shirt, always wear an undershirt, it limits sweat stains, and keeps your clothing from wearing out as fast (not to mention cleaner). If your shirt is lighter wear a white one if your shirt is darker wear a black undershirt.

-WOMEN: ALWAYS WEAR A BRA! Please for the love of god, no one wants to see your boobs go flying every where when you walk, plus it makes the girls stay in place and takes the strain off your back. (Head to your local bra sales-place to get a proper fit)

-SPEND THE MONEY ON STAPLES! There are certain things you should always have in your wardrobe no matter what. Spend the money on them! Don't go cheap, I'm not saying drop hundreds on a shirt but you should be spending $30-100 on most of these items (a piece).
Men: you should always have one of each of these: Button Down shirts: Black, White, and Blue: Pants: Black, Khakis/Tan, and At Least one two-piece (Pant and Jacket) Suit, I suggest Black if you only are getting one, Make sure it fits! If you don't know if it fits properly ask a store clerk for help! If you can afford it, get it tailored! Also men, get ties in Black, Blue and Red. Dress Shoes: Black & Brown.
Women: You should always have a line of work-friendly/ conservative clothing (aka No cleavage and keep the hems longer) Get Button Downs/Blouses in these colors: Black, & White. Dress pants/skirts: Black, & Tan and Lastly always have a little black dress (No minis!). Women always have a few pairs of black and brown dress shoes (and Heels).
Note: Don't go out and buy these all at once, definently get them however, it's alright to get them on sale, remember you are looking for quality so these will last.

-ALWAYS BRUSH/COMB YOUR HAIR! I know this seems like a silly one, escpecially if you're just running errands you always look that much more groomed (and therefor better when Murphy's law decides to take effect and you run into your crush/ex/etc.)

-NEVER EVER BUY/WEAR PLEATED PANTS! If you don't know what pleated pants look like google it. Pleats are a detail used in fashion meant to add interest and volume, they are usually right around the waist/ groin area and make you look bigger (but not in the good way guys, more like you have paunch there...ew). They are not flattering!

-PATTERNS! THERE'S A PATTERN! When using patterns in your outfit always have the smallest pattern closest to you and let them get larger the farther out they go! (A pinstriped shirt with a paisley tie.) Also, never wear more than pattern of the same size, it will make you look too busy.

-ALWAYS IRON YOUR WORK/FORMAL CLOTHES! It makes your presentation better! Pay attention to fabric labels! certain fabrics cannot be ironed. If not take them to your dry cleaners to have them pressed (or cheaper alternatives are to throw them in the dryer on low heat for a few min, or hang them and let gravity try to do it's work, though this isn't always effective.) Another tip I've learned is hang them up on a hanger in the bathroom while your taking a shower, the steam and gravity gets most of the wrinkles out.

-CHECK THE MIRROR ONE LAST TIME! There's always the possibility that your make up is smudged, your hair is out of place or your shirt is untucked in the back. One quick look is all you need!

- BOOBS, STOMACH OR LEGS! NOT ALL THREE! I know this sounds strange and certainly got the guy's a attention but ladies, please when you go out feature one asset otherwise you just look like a harlot. I don't need to see a girl in a mini skirt and have her boobs hanging out of her shirt. You take all the mystery and allure out of you if you show your entire body at once! If you are going to bare cleavage make sure your bottoms go to at least your knee, if you are showing off your legs, make sure your neckline comes up (a little clevage is fine emphasis on a little). I know you boys will fight me on this tip but trust me you'll appreciate it when woman don't whisper "what a hussy" behind your back.

-MAKE AN EFFORT! I know sometimes all you want to do is wear Sweats I have those days too but If you are going out of the house, Try to dress well. Guys wear a casual Button down or nice t-shirt. Ladies wear a cute top and jeans or flaunt that new skirt. If you dress well you will feel better about yourself. Not to mention people do take notice.

-IT'S CALLED A BUTTON DOWN BECUASE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BUTTON IT! Please! Ladies and Gents! Do not leave your shirt unbuttoned and open even if you a wearing a shirt underneath, it looks sloppy and not to mention it's not close to your body so it makes you look larger. If you are wearing it casually you can wear the top few buttons undone but the bottom and middle ones should be buttoned!

-POSTURE! HAVE IT! I sound like your mother probably but if you stand straight, have your shoulders back and chest out, not only is it good for your back it makes you look thinner and more confident (note: confident people tend to attract more people).

-SHOWER PLEASE! You can be the best dressed person on the street but no one will care if you stink. Showering isn't just for you to feel clean it's for the rest of the world too. This includes shampooing your hair, conditioning your hair (yes even men and even if you have short hair, it's good for the hair folicle), washing your face, and washing the rest of you.

-PERFUME/COLONGE DON'T DROWN YOURSELF IN IT! A hint of perfume/colonge is all one needs, remember we all have different ides of what smells good so dousing yourself with your choice in scent may be gross to someone else. The rule of thumb is to dab it on the neck just behind the ears, and on the insides of your wrists, spray the scent in the air once (if you are not around others) and step into the mist. That should be enough. Perfume/Colonge is not used to cover up smells so you need to shower before putting it on. Tip: the scent will stick better after you get out of the shower and towel off a bit, while your skin is still damp, your body will absorb it with the moisture.


Ok that's all I have, Check back I may have more.

clothes, fix-it, help, guide, fashion, self-help

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