
Aug 11, 2009 15:51

So I've been writing again. Well, does re-writing an old fanfiction count as writing? Considering it's going through a major overhaul I am of the opinion that it indeed is. Anyway, it's an fanfiction for the Movie "The Patriot" one of my favorites despite being quite historically inaccurate, but that's why it's a movie and historical fiction. I still love it to death.

The plot follows my OC Lady Eleanor Heaton, Daughter of Lord General George Heaton (Another OC). Eleanor is secretly married to the devilish villain, Colonel William "The Butcher" Tavington. She under the guise of her younger brother, enlists in the South Carolina militia in her husband's absence, for freedom and the fleeting chance to see her husband on occasion. This reason snowballs into keeping her commander (Benjamin Martin) and her husband apart after learning more about Martin and the fact that Tavington killed his son.

I've run into alot more problems re-writing this story than when I first wrote it. The easiest of which was grammer, spelling and the occasional typo. When I was seventeen I was a bit more of a romantic than I am now (still romantic...but not as naive), I'm starting realize the difficulties one encounters when cross-dressing and joining the opposing army of one's spouse.

First off there is the obvious, how she's getting away with being a man. That problem was solved by creating a back plot of how her younger brother in question was actually her all these years 'Michael' or Eleanor were convinently away from the Heaton estate when the other was around. Far-fetched but...it's the 18th century. This also explains why she knows how to ride, shoot and the art of war, acting as the son your father never had has it's perks.

Next, and this one I'm truly struggling with is how Tavington will react when he finally finds out that his dear wife has actually been playing a rebel. In my first publication of this story, Eleanor had been seriously wounded protecting Tavington, he was so happy that she had survived that he didn't care (see what I mean about romantic and naive). I mean this is based around a movie where Tavington is portrayed as a cold, unfeeling, head-strong man who is trying to advance himself with brutal tactics to fix the shambles his family's reputation was left in. And in my story the couple fights constantly about the war and Tavington's tactics.

Judging from Tavington's character in the movie, I know he would at least feel seriously betrayed, some guilt because Eleanor felt compelled to keep them apart, but also he'd be furious she didn't chose to serve on the British side since she has all the means and the ease to do so.

I was seriously thinking of re-writing it to have Eleanor join the British side but the only way she wouldn't be found out with spending that much time with Tavington would be to join the infantry instead of the dragoons which would make their interactions limited. But if she joined the Dragoons (for those of you out of the know, that's the group that Tavington commands) she would be found out too quickly.

So for those of you who have seen the patriot...how do you think he would react?
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