First post of 2011 (don't hold your breath)

Jan 04, 2011 00:35

Let's start 2011 on LJ with a new adorable B/J default icon <3<3<3

First day back in school began at 6:30 am and it was looking to be a disaster, starting with my mom going passive-aggressive on me and making me late for the bus when she said she'd give me a ride, but when I came down, it turned out she left 3 minutes earlier.

But then I got a text from the girl I've been tutoring since October that she passed her exam with a B! \o/ I think I might be actually more relieved than her, especially after I realized last night that the solution to an assignment I sent her was mostly wrong. Did I tell you she was repeating this whole course for the fourth time and was completely clueless as to the ways of geometry when I started teaching her? But I'm so happy we made it and so proud of us both ;_; I think this job might actually be my true calling, but just because of that I expect it to blow up in my face sometime soon. It's just going too well, guys. But don't tell anyone, I'd rather postpone jinxing it if I can help it, ok?

I finally bought a shiny new pocket agenda and week 1 of 2011 is already booked solid (knock on wood) :( Also, I spent about 2h picking it, but that doesn't mean I'm OCD, okay, just that there's way too many designs to choose from.

And finally, since December passed me by and a loud "whooosh" sound it made as it did is the only proof to me that December actually happened. So, since I missed December, hereby declare January the QAF month. I think it's actually appropriate since I came to the fandom late just as I'm late everywhere else. So. The 30 days of QAF meme. To those who missed it for some unfathomable reason, here's what it's about:

QaF 30 Day Meme

Day 1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?
Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season
Day 3 - Your favorite QaF episode
Day 4 - Your favorite QaF season intro episode
Day 5 - Your favorite QaF season finale
Day 6 - Your favorite storyline
Day 7 - Your favorite main character
Day 8 - Your favorite minor character
Day 9 - Your least favorite character
Day 10 - Your favorite couple
Day 11 - Your favorite friendship
Day 12 - Your favorite scene
Day 13 - Your favorite sex scene
Day 14 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 15 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 16 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 17 - A scene that makes you angry/pissed you off
Day 18 - Something that you wish never happened
Day 19 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 20 - Your favorite Debbie t-shirt
Day 21 - Your favorite outfit worn on the show
Day 22 - Your favorite song from the show
Day 23 - Your favorite place
Day 24 - Your favorite QaF quote
Day 25 - Your favorite QaF one-liner
Day 26 - Your favorite advice or wisdom from the show
Day 27 - Your favorite QaF fanvid
Day 28 - Your favorite QaF fanfic
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)
Day 30 - Do you have any QaF related items? And if you could own one item from the sets, what would it be?
Bonus Day - Anything QaF related - whatever tickles your fancy

I'll try to post every week, but since this meme is mean to me and it tricks me into rewatching QAF episode by episode in order to answer truthfully to those incredibly important questions, well, I'm not promising anything. I'll try, though.

Day 1
How did you come to Queer as Folk and the fandom?

It was a cold evening in October 2007 and I volunteered to host a gay movie night at a convention. I had asked my online pals at deviantart to suggest films they thought I should show and one gal said there was this awesome gay soap called qaf and she would lend it to me. I checked it out on IMDb and this show looked really trashy, yo. But I put it on at the movie night anyway and 10 seconds in everyone was like "omg, this is too trashy, turn it off!" So I turned it off. I had the whole 1st season on my desk for some weeks and I was sure I'd never get around to watching it, as is the case with 90% of the stuff I've borrowed from other people. But one night I must've been really bored, because I put qaf on annnndd-- I was MIA for a week. I had my comp on non-stop for weeks as I downloaded the rest of the seasons, watched it all as soon as posible and I didn't really pay attention to the quality decline in s4 and s5, I only noted that suddenly there was not enough B/J in my B/J show. But my first watching of qaf was a pretty consistently happy and content experience.

I got to fandom through MW where I was desperately trying to kill the bitter taste after 513 and hunger for more B/J moments after the fast of s5. It helped. Since I had known about LJ and fandoms before, I went out on a limb and guesses there could maybe be qaf fic on LJ too. There was.

Day 2
Your favorite QaF season

I wish I had enough determination and spontaneous creativity to compare the seasons big style, as in url_girl style, but alas.

The obvious choice would be season three, but then it had Ethan and Stockwell (which was awesome in one way, but weak in another) and Justin being all whatevs. about Brian, which was a shock and a heartbreak after the romantic rollercoaster and MFEOness and starry eyes of season two. He was also pretentious in an unfunny way. Season one, on the other hand, taught me that I can endure a lot of trashiness for the sake of the best gay romance on tv. It also made me love the fabulously awkward teenager that was Justin Taylor, age 17. It was like reading an awkward coming of age story, except with more porn and love and more entertaining. And more made of general win. Season one also had the best comedy moments and it hadn't yet started taking itself too seriously (hello liberty ride, hello Stepford!Mickey). I liked Emmett best when he was at his fabuloustest. I loved cheering for that obnoxious kid called  Justin, the one who refused to give up something he really wanted just because it was imposible to achieve ♥ ♥ ♥ I also loved Brian when he was still a real asshole instead of just misunderstood. I gasped a lot during season one :D It was still edgy back then and it introduced me to qaf, so yeah, season one it is <3

30 days of qaf, real life battle offline, qaf

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