A Tantric Master, eh? Well, I guess you can all bow to me now.
I'm just kidding. I really have no idea how that one came up. Sure, I know a bit but I think master (or mistress, in this case) is streching it.
Oh well. I went to the dentist today. They told me to floss because flossing is the devil and makes my gums bleed so I never do it. But other than that my teeth look great. A tiny part of me wants to be a dentist so I can charge people $51 to look at their teeth for about thirty seconds, go "hmm, looks good. any problems?" and be done. But a huge part of me says other people's mouths are so gross. For real.
So for having happy tooth health, I bought myself shoes. They only cost me three dollars and are bright orange. Who doesn't love bright orange? Okay, lots of people. But they are not me. And I adore bright orange. For shoes anyway. The shoes are kitten-heel flip flops so they are really out of season but my feet have stopped growing so I don't care. Hooray.
I also bought Christmas gifts so I don't even feel guilty. I won't post what I got because people may figure out what is for them. Not fun for me.
But it is safe to post what I'm going to do for my grandmother. I got her a CD case that can hold a picture (of me!) and I'm going to make her a bunch of CDs to fill it. Things I'm pretty sure she would like. She's more into the rhythm of songs rather than the words so I can slip songs in there that I might not otherwise. Scandalous, no? But I think she'll like it, none-the-less.
I had made a big post of random things about myself but my dad deleted it. Somehow. So I'll just start posting a random thing or two at the end of my entries.
Random Facts #1 and #2: I love bright orange shoes and hate flossing. Wait, I already told you that.
Real Random Fact #1: I like to do laundry. I think its soothing. Folding a bunch of warm clothes is so peaceful. And cozy.