Take a Shot

Aug 11, 2012 20:24

Title: Take a Shot
Fandom: Stargate Universe
Character: Eli
Rating: Gen
Orientation: Gen
Word Count: 686

Prompt: “Guns/blades”
        & Semi-automatic Pistol

Notes: For stargatecountry: The Wiki Writing Challenge

Being completely out of touch with no hope of supply drops, Destiny suffered from a lack of many, many things. Food, clothing, but most importantly, at least as far as Colonel Young and the other military forces on board were concerned, a lack of ammunition and replacement parts for their weaponry. They didn’t have enough ammo to waste it on target practice. But Colonel Young wanted to be sure that Eli could at least fire a weapon when they were out in the field, should he be along on a mission. So he was taken to one of the big cargo areas in the ship along with a few other civilians that might go on an away mission. They were each given a 9 millimeter weapon loaded with dummy cartridges and shown how to stand, how to hold them and how to fire them.

Matt Scott walked over to Eli and corrected his grip, wrapping a hand around the top of the weapon and Eli’s hand. “Keep it steady, don’t let the recoil throw your aim.”

The recoil surprised him when it came. Video games, his prior experience with target practice and weaponry, did not recoil. His hand felt numb and tingled after he fired the first shot. There was of course nothing to show for the shot, he had fired an empty casing at the far bulkhead of the cargo hold. Eli had no idea if he would have hit a target or not, but that was not the point of the exercise. This was hands on training in weapons handling.

He shifted the 9 millimeter to his left hand and shook out the tingling fingers of his right. “How long is my hand gonna be numb?” he asked the lieutenant in a low voice as Matt stood beside him watching Doctor Park fire her first practice shot.

“You’ll get used to it. Take another shot. Hold the stance we showed you, if you keep your arm in that position, you won’t have as much of a problem.” Scott patted Eli’s hip until he shifted sideways and took aim again. This time it was better. He held his hand steady and the numbness was not as prevalent.

As he raised his arm again, he tried to put himself in the mindset of one of the military guys. He envisioned himself as one of the fighters on mission in one of his favorite video games. Eli had always had a vivid imagination, and holding the tangible weapon rather than a game controller made it real.

He smelled the heat coming off the weapon in his hand, more realism. He imagined he was searching an alien world, creeping around corners, weapon at the ready, prepared to defend himself from whatever might leap out at him. The weight of the gun was again different than a game controller would be. The cold and the warmth of the metal at the same time was an odd contrast, cold at the top, warm along the barrel after being fired.

Eli decided he could get used to this. He wanted to keep practicing. He wanted to shoot at a target and see if he could actually hit it. A new obsession was born as he stood there shooting at nothing with empty shell casings. His mind began working on the practicality of a computer program to work on target practice. It would take a great deal of work, but it might be worth the time, if it would help with training. He’d have to talk to Colonel Young, maybe there was already something back on Earth that he could get access to through the communications stones, something that could be adapted here on Destiny.

It was worth asking, wasn’t it? Until then, he could pretend. He raised the 9 mil and sighted down the barrel at a spot on the bulkhead that he had decided was his bullseye.

The End
Originally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

kb: guns/blades, rating: gen, sgu: eli, challenge: wiki writing, orientation: gen, size: 500 to 999, fandom: stargate universe, com: stargatecountry, kb card 5

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