Trusting Miko

Sep 23, 2011 01:51

Title: Trusting Miko
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Chuck/Miko
Orientation: Het
Word Count: 699
Rating: NC-17

Notes: None

Prompt: Kinkbingo Fill: “Enemas”
“So, I was reading up on this… thing,” Chuck fluttered his hand, and knew he was blushing as he looked up at Miko.

“Which thing, Chuck?”  She loved to torture him.

“Well, you remember how you said if there was something I wanted to try to tell you and you’d consider it, well there’s something I always wanted to do and I read all about it and I think I want to try it.”  He blurted it all out before he lost the courage again.

One eyebrow quirked up and she looked at him oddly.  “Yes?”

“Well, I mean, I want us both to do it, I wouldn’t ask you to do something I wasn’t willing to try.”

“What, Chuck?”

“I ordered you a strap-on from the internet and I want you to use it because I really, really want to have anal sex with you and it’s only fair that we do each other.  If you think so.”

She leaned back against the pillows and smiled at him.  “This interests you?”  He nodded stupidly.  “And what did you read about, lover?”

“Well, see that’s the embarrassing part, it says in everything I read that there’s preparation involved.”

“It is always best to be clean beforehand, yes.”

Chuck gulped.  “I’ve never… that is… there was never a reason to and I never had…”

Miko smiled.  “You’ve never had an enema, is that what you are trying to say?”

Relieved that she understood, he nodded.  “I ordered the stuff it said in the book.  It came on the Daedalus last week.”

“Go get it.” Miko waved her hand towards his closet.


“Yes.  I want to peg you, Chuck.  Very much.  I also wish to be the one to give you an enema for the first time.  Get your stuff and meet me in the shower stall.”  She started stripping her clothes off as she crossed the room, which made Chuck move faster.

He was nervous as she moved around, preparing everything.  He should have known Miko would know what to do, he should have trusted her.  She had him kneel beside her and lean forward on the tile floor, which she had thoughtfully warmed up by running the hot water before he came in.  She smoothed a hand over his ass and patted it.  “Relax, Chuck.  If this is uncomfortable, let me know, I will stop.  Some people find an enema to be as exciting as the act of intercourse.”  She slid the lubed plastic tip of the tube into his rectum, which made him squirm slightly.  He’d had her finger there before, which was what had convinced him that he’d be able to deal with having her fuck him with a dildo.

Holding the bag up, she turned the dial to release the contents of the bag.  “I used only warm water this time, Chuck.  It should not be too hot.  You will feel pressure as it fills you.  Try not to bear down until I tell you.”

He whimpered as the warm water coursed through his rectum and he felt it in his belly.  It didn’t hurt, but it did start to grow uncomfortable after a while.  The whole time it was filling him, Miko was rubbing his belly.  She slowed the flow whenever he started to squirm with a cramp.

“Miko, I’m…” he glanced down at his throbbing cock and she snickered and reached down and began to slowly jerk him off.  The pleasure of her hand and the pressure in his belly were at war and he started to whimper in earnest.

“I think you’ve had enough of that, Chuck.”  Her hand left his cock and a moment later the pressure stopped building.  “Now, if I were doing this as a punishment, I might make you remain right there in that position and force you to hold the water in.  But I wish to play with you now, so you may get up and expel the fluid.  I will meet you in the bedroom.”

Eagerly, he went to do her bidding.  He really should have trusted Miko, she always knew what was best for him. 

fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: chuck/miko, orientation: het, size: 500 to 999, kb: enemas, rating: nc-17

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