Kink Bingo: 8th Card 1st Line, Multi-media Bingo

Sep 22, 2011 18:12

By: Rinkafic
Fandoms: Stargtae Atlantis, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Torchwood, Back to the Future, Farscape
Kinks: Double Penetration, Danger, Guns, Whipping/Flogging, Bites/Bruises

Bingo 8th Card, 1st Line
Achievement: Multi-media Bingo

Time Traveler's Balls (Back to the Future/Buffy/Torchwood, Marty/Spike/John Hart, Double Penetration)
Summary: FIC: NC-17: Word Count: 970
Content Notes: No Notes

The Death of Me (Stargate Atlantis, Sheppard/Teyla, Danger)
Summary: FIC: NC-17: Word Count: 654 Hogan 'verse
Content Notes: No Notes

Wynona (Farscape, John/Aeryn, John/Wynona, Guns)
Summary: 16 ICONS/Love Banner
Content Notes: No Notes

Raise it High (No Fandom, Vintage, Whipping/Flogging)
Summary: PICSPAM
Content Notes: BDSM

A Different Wake Up Call (Stargate Atlantis, Sheppard/Teyla, Sleepy/Unconscious)
Summary: FIC: NC-17: Word Count: 556 Hogan 'verse
Content Notes: No Notes


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