Shuffle! Episode 12, The Frozen Summer
Tsuchimi Rin
Fuyo Kaede
Lisianthus (Sia)
Nerine (Rin)
Shigure Asa-Senpai
Shigure Ama
Thyme Mayumi
Midoriba Itsuki
It's the day that summer homework is due, and the group is studying. Rin-kun finishes early and begins his art sketch. Kaede leaves Primula to take care of the tea, but she sees things freezing..Rin-kun goes to the river to do his sketch and meets Asa there and they chit chat about the girls. Rin-kun admits that he can't see himself picking any of the girls because he's content just hanging around as he is, Asa admits to feeling the same way.
Primula is watering the garden, but unexpectedly everything freezes over and she faints. When Rin and everyone gets to her, she has a fever of a ridiculous degree. When Rin asks Sia and Nerine if it's normal for a demon, they quiet up and don't seem to say anything. Eventually Nerine and Sia's fathers take Rin aside and explain that Primula isn't human. She's an artificial life created in hopes to understanding
how to control life with magic. She's the only one of her kind, and she contains more magic than both of them could control. However, unless she regain the emotions she somehow lossed, she can't control the
magic herself. They hoped that with her being around Rin, she'd regain her emotions, and she did to a degree. However, with her sickness she needs to go back to the demon world. Rin asks her, but Primula
refuses. Nerine begs Rin to tell Primula to go back because she doesn't want to lose someone again. Primula dreams of a girl disappearing and wakes up upset. Rin has to beg her to make her go, saying that she can come back when she's well. They take her to the demon world, but the scientists aren't sure she'll be able to come back. Meanwhile, Sia is still acting funny..