Friday Five

Jun 30, 2018 12:42

thefridayfive for June 29, 2018 - Working

For reference, I work for an insurance company taking auto initial loss reports.

1) Do you enjoy your work?
In terms of helping people, yes. It always feels good when customers thank me for making a bad situation easier, or when I've helped make their day better, or just had a fun interaction with them. I also enjoy the challenge, as I have to use what I know and find answers to what I don't know.

2) Are you overpaid or underpaid for the work you do (or last did)?
Considering my take-home pay for this job is almost identical to when I was teaching, but now I only work my scheduled hours, I kind of feel overpaid. Would a raise be nice? Certainly, but I'm surviving.

3) What one thing do you dislike most about your work?
Metrics. They expect a lot to be done in as little time as possible, and they keep adding expectations. I kind of dread seeing my numbers each week. They are usually okay, but I feel like I sacrifice quality for time's sake.

4) What one thing would make your work life happier or more satisfying?
Lay off the metrics a little. Actually, training needs to be improved. I felt totally unprepared after 3 months of training. I heard a group of people the other day who I think were newer on the job and sounded like they felt the same way. We keep getting told things to do but never get shown (or get a 5 minute rushed lesson) how to do them. So, you struggle through and hope you don't screw anything up.

5) Do you try to fit into your workplace’s culture? What does that entail?
Which culture? The business model? Fitting in with the people? Me being the rule follower I am, I try to fit the business model. Of course I try to get along with my team. Everyone I've worked with is pretty cool. We don't socialize much outside of work aside from a couple of happy hours, but we get along. Everyone helps each other out, and during the work day we do things like potlucks or snack days.

friday fiver

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