2012: We Were Warned

Dec 09, 2009 17:48

Yes, it has been quite a movie marathon for me these few days. After watching NA on Friday, I caught 2012 on Monday. People has been telling me: What, you've not watched 2012 yet? You're a NOOB! =.="
It's not that I don't wanna watch it you know? E-X-A-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N-S!
Okay, nvm. Back to this movie. Oh, and before I move on to the spoiler, 2012 has a couple of official posters but I chose this. Somehow the backview of a Larma staring at the impending tsunami intrigues me much much more than crumbling pieces of the Earth.

Friends of the friend who went to watch with me told him that 2012 is actually quite a sad movie. Critics on my local newspaper has told me that apart from CGs, this movie has no other biggie worth to be discussed.
For me, it's somehow quite the case. Basically what you see on the trailer is more than enough for you to know what's going to happen. Yes, this movie is totally PREDICTABLE. You know what's going to happen next. No wait, you know what's going to take place, and probably can also guess the ending spot on, without watching it at all.
It all starts with the findings of an Indian scientist, which all pointed to the fact that our planet Earth is doomed. The centre core of Earth is heating up way too fast and every little details seemed to match with the end of the world marked on the Mayan calender. 21.12.2012.
Byebye, Mother Earth. Byebye, human race. Byebye, living things. Byebye everything.
But no, the goverments of the world refused to sit by and wait for doomsday to descend. Together, the governments tried means and ways in a desperate attempt to save the human race.
And that's how the story unfolds, along with the patching up of a once broken marriage between the lead male and his divorced wife. Oh, what's the best way to rekindle lost love other than the fear of losing one forever and ever?
Oh, nvm! So the destruction finally starts when the male lead finally managed to pack his two children, ex-wife and her new hubby into his car and I started to wonder just how lucky he is to have the road forever crumbling after his speeding car; to have the bridge falling down slow enough for his car to scrap through unscath; to have the millions of huge blazing stones falling from the sky missing his vehicle again and again as his adorable daughter wonder why those blazing stones are following them on purpose (when it's not. They're just falling everywhere and your genius daddy just know how to shun them); to be able to climb out of the vehicle which has fallen into the huge crack on the surface of the earth without even suffering a scratch. And Lady Luck continued to shine on him, and his ex-wife and children as the destruction goes on. And I guess Lady Luck was too busy shining on them, so much so that she couldn't help Gordon, his ex-wife's new hubby, who eventually died when he fell into the crevice of the 'saviour ship' movable bridge and got crushed. Of course, how could their broken love be rekinlded when ex-wifey's new hubby is well and alive?
Apart from losing Gordon, there is really some sad scenes, especially when the US president refused to board the ship and abandon his state, and how he just had to wake up, after having been knocked out from the initial impact of the crumbling tower, just in time to see the oncoming of the monstrous sized tsunami coming to end his life. The part where the selfish Russian rich-ass, after abandoning his lover and his supposed-to-be companions on the run, actually sacrificed his own life to save his two sons also served to give the audience the idea that no matter how selfish people might be, they will never choose their own life over their children's. Oh, how noble the love for their children! Yet, it's still for THEIR OWN CHILDREN only. Oh well, better than nothing, huh!

Despite the unbelievable luck shining on the male lead and his family, this movie did set me thinking on the possibility of having the end of the world happening in my lifetime. What will happen should fellow human continues to release carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, methane and etc into the environment? What will happen should the greenhouse effect be allowed to worsen? Will the melted polar ice caps flood our entire earth, forcing our future generation to evolve into mermaids/mermen? Or will the entire earth explode just like what happened in 2012? Are we going to have any future generations, even? Governements of various countries have started promising to cut down on emissions, but are we in time to really save our mother Earth?
What do you think?

2012, movie review

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