Another year older... still not wiser. Oh well, maybe next year?

Jun 07, 2009 22:49

Another birthday and I'm still here. In my opinion this is a good thing.

A fairly quiet/relaxed birthday, as birthdays go. Really all the hoopla happened yesterday, with a whole bunch of friends turning out for my 'what seems to have inadvertently become a tradition' birthday lunch and then returning back to my apartment for cake. zaldan's delicious, delicious homemade chocolate cake! I got a travel tea thermos from little_finch and carpetteknyghte that will let me make bagged or looseleaf tea. Thank you! I'm really looking forward to testing it out. stray_wind bought me a copy of Terrier! New Tamora Pierce book, here I come. ♥ To everyone who came, either for lunch and/or cake - thank you. You really made my day.

Today zaldan took me out for sushi and then we went to see Up, in 3-D. I'm not ashamed to admit it made me cry. Twice. Pixar has outdone themselves. Go see it! Also, unexpected David Kaye in the movie is unexpected. This is one I wish I could see with dynastessa, IF you know she weren't in another country. (dynastessa, I will settle for watching it with you on dvd at some point in the future however!)

Thanks for the phone calls and messages both yesterday and today guys. You're awesome. ♥

the current state of things, things that make me think, friends, birthdays, older but not wiser?, real life (or something like it), family

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