Turmoil, turmoil, turmoil

Feb 28, 2007 18:31

As if my life hasn't been rough enough lately.... Our Office Manager announced today that she's quitting. Her last day is in four weeks. This would be the 4th person to leave within the six months I've worked there. And the... *counts fingers* 8th person to leave in the last year.

There's a reason for this.

And it's not because the jobs are difficult, or because the doctors are mean, or the pay is bad. It's because there's is animosity between the office staff. It's like a war. I've kept myself well out of it, but after six months of downward spiral where certain people aren't even talking to each other and vicious gossip runs rampant, I just can't take that kind of toxic environment anymore.

So thus begins my job search. Which is unfortunately hindered by the fact my computer, and my resume along with it, bit the dust some four months ago. (Unless blessed
cheshire_monkey has a saved copy)?

As to moving...I shall be doing so March 15th and settling in just in time for
literarylemming 's visit. We got the house we applied for, and now that they've sucked my bank account dry with deposits and rent, all that's left to do is pack.

I hate for a long overdue update to my LJ to be so negative. But there you have it. Many of you know by now that I've had a rough time since moving in August, and thank you all so much for the support, it means the world, even if I don't give you guys the appreciation you deserve. I'm here and I'm hearing it and I wish I was in a place where I was able to function as a friend the way I'm used to.

*hearts you all*
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