...I am alive. Really.

Feb 19, 2007 17:49

A few things.

{} New layout that is non-fandom, if you can believe that. Although, I like to pretend the girl is Rebecca from the Inside. Just because it suits her.

{} I am moving. Again. Why you ask? Slightly more positive reasons, as I will have roommates to help share the cost and hopefully to force me into taking better care of myself, as right now? It's ugly. Really, really, realllllly ugly. Hopefully, this will be the LAST move for a very, VERY long time.

{} Lastly, long over due pictures from Flan B. LONG overdue. Enjoy. I'm withholding names, because I was threatened if I did not do so, so... sorry.

My favorite pic of him from the entire night. Well, second to the booty one. ;)

He has a backpack! How adorable is that? I ended up with a plot of pictures of him with his mouth open. ....wonder what that says about me?

Cool tattoo, yes. But don't you just want to sit on his knee?

Odd, most of the crowd is female... hmmm.

We've been drinking. Can you tell?

A bit of arm!porn.

Oh... to be that beer bottle... *sigh*

The view from our hotel.

Um... costumes anyone? They looked so much better on the actors.

On the road to Santa Monica. Because... well, Adam told us to. Or rather, he told someone else who told us and... off we went. Because Adam said so.

Yes. There is glitter on that car.

Back seat shinaigans.

I wasn't the only one taking pictures out the window.

Cameras at the ready!

Santa Monica!

It has a pier!

Bubba Gump Shrip!

Funny Signs!

The hotel from The Inside!

But no Adam. :(

Later that night, some people snuck in. Well. Alan snuck in. Nathan rather...barrelled in.

This was as close to him as I ever got. And as you can see... in order for him to be visible, I had to canoodle with photoshop a bit.

Sweet, sweet man. He brought gifts. Alliance monies. His Harry Potter book. Old tapes of the show. And a box.

Alan on the other hand, was also sweet. But while everyone else was mobbing Nathan, I pounced on him. Before I even thought about it I was talking with him. Our conversation was something like... "Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" "Yeah, I know! I got a break in filming and was able to stop in." "Oh! Where are you filming?" "Arizona." "Hey, can I have a picture?" "Sure." And then I ran away. But at least I was coherent, rather than my conversation with Adam. *cringe* Plus, Alan had his arm around me! Wooo!

This man owns my soul. Seriously. I never really got the whole appeal of Jonathan Woodward until I met the man. He's so fabulously funny and sweet and HILARIOUS. And he cares. And that makes him special. And owner of my soul.

Dude, she's even hotter in person.

Is it time for bed? No! It's time for more alcohol!

The after party.  Monkey, how would you seduce Jayne?

This amused me.

She just wanted to get rid of her pudding!

Composer guy who's name escapes me. I am a bad brown coat. However, he is awesome in that way that all browncoats are. He cares. Still. Five years later. *melty*

It was vendor day. And thus, as women, we shopped.

And shopped.

And shopped.

And shopped.

And shopped some more.

In between shopping and speakers, we worked on a round robin. Which is STILL in my browncoat bag and I carry it with me every day. Never know when a little Firefly is needed.

Jayne as a hand puppet. Cute, no?

That night was the big party at La Cantina. This is my before shot. There are no after shots. For good reason. I had a lovely time drinking Cape Cod's and falling in the rain. Twice.

The next morning we had the lovely surprise of Tim Minear. That man freaking ROCKS.

He was followed by the comic genius of The Reverend Wallet with the accompanied by The Bedland Bards. OMG, seriously. He OWNS MY SOUL!

Soul. Ownage.

jonathan woodward, friends, nathan fillion, pic spam, adam

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