So...for those interested in the wonder that is my life.
I've decided that if the roomies are kicking me out, I'm going to move to Seattle instead. I have friends down there that are converting the garage/basement of their duplex into a studio apartment. They're 15 minutes from downtown. $500/month including Water, Sewer, Gas, Electricty AND wireless internet. I would be insane not to go for it. I live in a College town where I can see into Canada from my front yard and I can't find a studio here for anything less than $650 (unless I wanna live with the drug dealers).
So...I've decided if I can find a job down there, I'm moving.
*frets* Good news though, the first (and only) place I've applied to so far sounds interested. So as long as they are comfortable waiting until August, then...I think I get an interview!
And onward to the meme.... yanked from
kispexi2 :
How did you choose your alias?
Ahh, my mother. Whenever she wanted something from me, she'd pleadingly change my name from Erin, to Rinny. Sometimes, she'd even thrown a -kins on the end. I came up with Rinalin all on my own. It was my first ever screen name. I donno. It sounded pretty.
What fandoms do you write for?
Firefly. The Inside. And, once, Veronica Mars. *hearts Mac/Weevil*. Also Dawson's Creek.
What fics are you currently working on?
*headdesk* You really want the list?
- A very nearly PWP epic type thing with
literarylemming for The Inside. Titled "The Key." Seriously. Nearly PWP, there is a shadow of a plot, but for some reason, can't fathom why, Rebecca wants to spend all her time in bed with Danny. Silly thing.
- Learning to Lie, Jayne/Inara AU. Jayne is a Companion-Assassin, and the stories are all about he and Inara in their Training House days. It's a fic table, so I'll probably go and come back to this. But any of you who know me, know I have a hard time completing anything but one shots.
- An Inside fic table. 'Cause really, I love that show. This is something I'll be going and coming to as well, I think.
- There's a whole slew of WIP that I swear I'm going to come back to. I swear.
- A Mal/Simon from Jayne's POV for
kispexi2. *blows kisses*
What fandom did you start in?
Dawson's Creek. It was my first...and the longest.
What is your deepest darkest fic-writing secret?
Oh, um. I...don't think I have one. Other than I'm insanely insecure about what I write.
aliaspiral and
wily_one24 can vouch for that. When I was writing The Chosen, I had to show them every paragraph as it was written.
Do you have any quirks/habits in your writing?
Um, you tell me. I worry about using the same phrases over and over again. I think I sometimes write like Jayne talks, dropping G's and saying ain't in the narritive. I don't mean to, but sometimes, that's just how the words flow.
Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?
- Putting the word "Rayne" in fic titles. *shudder* I don't like Rayne to begin with. And titles like "Blame in on the Rayne" just make me wanna claw my eyes out. Same goes for putting River in the title. Though not nearly as bad, because I love River and a river is a real thing. Rayne is not RAIN!
- Ungratefulness. I have on occasion dumped effusive praise on an author, and put a lot of thought into my feedback. And I don't do this because I want them to love me, I do it because the story has, in some way, moved me. Whether they respond to this or not isn't what bothers me, it's when I get a response that is steeped in self congratulations. Like they deserve a page long response. Hey, you already know how wonderfully perfect you are, why do you need me to tell you?! *GROWL*
Do you have an OTP?
I claim Jayne/Kaylee as my OTP. But... really truly? I'm all about the free love on Firefly. The characters are so complicated and complex, and there is so much love on that ship (or the potential to be) that in the right author's hands I'd read Book/Kaylee. Hell, I've written ghost!Wash/River/Mal, for christ's sake.
If you could get someone to write a fic for you right now, who would it be?
aliaspiral, because I am sooooo her bitch and have fantastic love for her and everything she writes. She's the only one I'll read Rayne for. Because she makes me love it.
literarylemming, because I'd die to see what she'd do with Jayne/Kaylee even if it does make her cringe.
ana_grrl because OMGLOVE. I gobble up anything she writes. Including the Jayne/Simon slash.
earthwhatwere because her Danny just makes me cry. He's not perfect, he's not always right, but he's real. The Danny we might have gotten if The Inside had continued.