(no subject)

Feb 08, 2004 15:05

If anything, I have to say the highlight of the week shall be watching Gure-nii jump off a roof.
Perhaps I shall record it to commemorate the event.

But asides from that... having to stay over .. what was it? Several times a week for a month? I'm sure it'll be as pleasurable as having my teeth pulled. Or being run over by a car.

Writing exercise? Truth or Dare? I swear, I'd think dear cousin has some sort of a fetish for seeing people squirm.
I can't believe I *urgh* participated in such a thing.

I'm frankly a little disturbed though... about what he may or may not know about me, and what he's insinuating with his comments. I never quite understand what the damn inu is thinking. Not at all.

And frankly, I don't even know what's going on with Haru. Especially... after that whole thing. Is it so bad that I'd like to have a moment where I don't have to worry about anything, let someone else take care of it all? But.. this shouldn't last. The consequences are all too familiar. Akito WILL find out, in some way or another.
But I really enjoy his company.

I'm curious as to why Kyou didn't show up though... perhaps I scared him? So maybe I did go too far, but I found it very enlightening. Poor kitty. He needs to be around women more.
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