Nov 26, 2010 21:41
hi guys
So I'm writing my christmas cards this weekend (well that's the aim anyway) so if anyone wants one you need to drop me your address. The comments are screened or you can message me :D. Also I'm making the same resolution I make every year to write to people, now some of you will know I'm pretty sucky at actually sending letters HOWEVER there is a difference this year, I live REALLY close to a postbox and the postoffice AND I have a little baby who I need to go for a walk with nearly everyday therefore passing said postbox and post office :D. I'm great at writing letters...they then just tend to sit there lost and forlorn waiting for me to actually go out of my usual routes to find a posting facility :P s if anyone would like to exchange correspondance let me know and I give you licence now to tell me off if it takes me AGES to send you a letter without a valid excuse :P.
So anyway this week has been rather painful for my wallet...mainly because I now have a house that I can decorate however I want and I've gone a bit nuts buying decorations :D. Also christmas present for people and cute toys/outfits for beth. Speaking of the bebe she's growing like a weed, according to her checkups she's little miss average which is good.
She's sleeping well still only waking up once during the night, however she's not so great at sleeping during the day which can be a bit frustrating at times seeing as you're then stuck to the sofa so that she sleeps or constantly going up and down to her room trying to get her to settle down. It all kind of came to a head last week when I was just SO tired and had everybody telling me to sleep when she slept, but she wasn't sleeping unless I held her or took her out in the pram or the car. I was just so frustrated and tired that Tom actually came home early out of worry and soon as he walked in the door I just burst into tears and couldn't stop. It's all fine now and I'm feeling much better, I've managed to go to bed early for a few nights so I've caught up on's almost worse now that she's only waking up once. When she was waking up a couple of times I seemed to be able to cope better, now it's only once it's almost like my body notices less sleep more..if that makes any sense.
Got a busy weekend this week, Tom's older brother's coming over from Norway to meet beth for the first time. He wasn't very impressed that the day after he moves there she decided to make an appearance so he's not yet met her. Then on sunday Tom's uni mates are coming over as well which should be a laugh, one of them got so broody when I was barely showing so seeing him with Beth now she's here should be really funny.
Right I'm off to curl up on the sofa with a blanket because I'm bloody freezing!!! Hope you're all good!