
May 20, 2008 15:52

meme snagged from incompletework2 cuz it looked like fun:

1. Go to
2. type in your answer to the questions.
3. use your favorite picture from the first page.
4. copy the html and paste here.
5. have fun.

1. what is your first name?

2. what month were you born in?

3. what kind of car do you drive?

4. favorite hobby?

5. favorite tv show?

6. favorite color?

7. favorite celebrity crush?

8. favorite place?

9. favorite movie?

10. favorite Disney princess?

11. name of pet?

12. favorite vacation spot?

13. favorite dessert?

14. favorite food?

15. what are you afraid of?

16. what is your last name?

17. favorite time of day?

18. what do you love most in life?

19. favorite accessory?

20. favorite alcoholic beverage?

21. 1 word to describe yourself?


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