Population: Desire

Mar 11, 2011 22:49

Title: Desire
Series: Population (Collaborative MSPA AU)
Author: Madame Ruby (Rimbaum on the MSPA forums) and Katrika
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ange <3 Apollo

Warnings: Underage characters, uncomfortable situations, unwanted sexual contact

Apollo walked hesitantly into the small private room set aside for his meeting with Angela. It'd been a year since she'd been forcibly checked in to the mental hospital, and this was the first time he'd been allowed to visit her. He'd sent her a letter every week, but it just wasn't the same, and besides, she'd stopped replying a long time ago.

Angela sat at the window, staring outside at the bright, sunny day. She was dressed in fairly normal clothes, just jeans and a t-shirt rather than a hospital gown or anything silly like that. But her hair was braided through with her trademark green ribbon, and a small necklace sat around her neck, completely untouched.

Apollo approached her and tugged her braid playfully, making himself smile. "I missed you, Ange. You look well. Did...did you get all my letters?"

She turned around to look at him, her expression blank. "I did."

"Um...did you like the songs I sent?" Apollo shifted from foot to foot uneasily. He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but it hadn't been this. He'd always been closer to Angela almost more then he'd been closer to his parents, and he wanted her back.

"They were nice. The staff won't let me listen to them too much, though."

"Why not?"

She shrugged, looking back outside. "They said it wasn't good for my therapy."

"Um...I miss you, Ange." Apollo sat down next to her. "I'm sorry I couldn't visit earlier, I really wanted to, are you mad at me, please don't be!"

"I'm not angry, Apollo." She just seemed... distant.

"Aren't you glad to see me? I mean...you know I love you, right sis?"

"... Love is a sham. It's not real. If it were, it wouldn't be so easily broken. Divided. Ruined."

Apollo pulled back, hurt. "Ange, don't say that. Remember the time I tripped and broke my first guitar, and you were the only one who could stop me crying? You gave me your ice cream."

"I just wanted to get you to stop crying. Nothing more than that." She tapped the glass of the window when a bird flew near it, scaring it away.

"I..." Apollo scrambled for some other memory. "After you were attacked, the first thing that made you smile was me playing a song for you!"

"..." Angela didn't respond right away.


"I thought I loved you, once. I think that was when it started."

Apollo didn't understand. "And I love you too, Ange!"

"You're dependent on me. Whenever you were hurt, or needed someone to talk to, I was there to comfort you."

"Yeah. Yeah, that's true." He hugged her lightly. "Are you going to get better, Ange? I don't know what I'd do if you didn't. This last year has been hard."

"You'd keep coming back. I know you."

"Yeah, I...I probably would. But I'd prefer to have you back."

Angela turned around, smiling a little. "You're very dependable, Apollo. Very predictable." She reached out and tugged at some of his curly hair.

"You like my hair grown out a little? I got my ears pierced, too. Had to make a deal with grandpa." He grinned and tucked some of his hair behind his left ear, showing off the metallic studs and rings.

"Cute. You always were cute..." She smiled a little more, scooting over so she was... almost uncomfortably close, taking a closer look at the new additions.

Apollo flushed a little, aware something was starting to go wrong. "They're not there to be cute, they're there because I like them. Alex likes them."

"I like them. Very cute." She tugged at one with her teeth, breathing into Apollo's ear. "Something to play with."

"U-uh...you're kind of making me uncomfortable..."

Angela pulled back, smiling. "I did miss you. Missed having you around, having someone to be... close to." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll...I'll visit every month."

"Why? Why not more often? Why not less often?" She wrapped her hand around his, kissing his neck.

Apollo went pale, then flushed again. "I have a girlfriend, Ange, you're my sister..."

"I already told you, Paulie. Love is a sham. The love between family, between siblings. Meant to be broken. Thrown away." She tugged at the collar of her brother's shirt. "There's only desire. Need. Personal..." She leaned up to kiss him on the lips. "Satisfaction."

Apollo shifted uneasily. "Ange, I can't...you're pinning me down, I can't get up."

"Did you want to get up?"

"Y-yes." Apollo closed his eyes, humiliated but not wanting to shove her away.

Angela pulled away, leaving just a hand on her brother's thigh, squeezing a bit. "I used to love you, Paulie."

"R-romantically?" Right now, Apollo was wishing that he'd never figured out how to lower his tactile defenses. His body had started to react in ways he definately did not want.

"Yes. But I already told you. Love isn't real. So that doesn't matter now." She smiled a little, trailing a finger up along Apollo's leg. "But I still want you. Desire doesn't change. Desire is dependable. Real."

Apollo shuddered in response to her touch, blushing more brightly. "Angela, p-please stop."

She pulled her hand away, instead moving to straddle Apollo's lap. Her arms draped around his neck, and she leaned in to kiss him on the lips again. "I want something real with you, Paulie."

Apollo turned his head away so she kissed him on the cheek instead. "D-d-don't m-make me s-shove you."

"You won't. You don't want to hurt me. Don't want to upset me." She giggled, deceptively sweet for what she'd done and how she was acting now. "I've got you wrapped around my little finger."

Apollo was gasping now, trying to hold it back. "Get...off...me..."

Angela giggled again, reaching her hand between the two of them and groping him firmly. "You like it. You want more. I can see it in your mind, that wriggling little thread of desire."

Apollo shoved her off him and dashed for the door.

Angela sat there, looking shocked. Then she sobbed, wiping at fake tears. "That hurt..."

Apollo froze, then ran back to her. "Ange, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..."

She hugged tight to him, burying her face in his shoulder. After a moment, she tilted her head to whisper something in his ear. "You're so predictable, Paulie. You need me. I want you. It's a good relationship."

"It's...I don't want..."

"Shhh..." She pulled back, putting a finger on his lips. "Just admit what you want. What you need. The only things that are real."

"No...I need...I need to go now." He scrambled to his feet and backed toward the door.

Angela watched as he left, smiling to herself. "You'll be back. You need me."


Gabe knocked on the door to Apollo's room. He was getting worried. Ever since the hospital visit, his oldest son had been really out of it. "Apollo. Can I come in?"

Apollo cranked up his music, pretending not to hear Gabe. It was promptly unplugged from a distance. Hurray psychic powers. Apollo didn't look up, instead burying his head under his pillow.

Gabe sighed and walked into the room anyways. "Apollo. Something's really wrong. Your mom and I are worried about it. C'mon, kiddo. Just talk to me."

Apollo shuddered a little. "I...she...she was kissing and touching me..."

Gabe's eyes widened. "Oh. Oh god..." He swallowed thickly. Somehow, Angela had gotten the worst traits of both her parents. "Did she do anything more than that?"

"She...I told her to get off but she wouldn't, and my body was...part of me was liking it, and s-she stuck her hand down my pants..."

Gabe sat down on his bed, shaking his head. "Sometimes, your body reacts. Even if it's not something you want. You're just starting to hit that stage. It'll happen all the time. Whether you want it to or not, even at the littlest things that make no sense at all." He sighed, reaching out to put a hand on Apollo's shoulder, but... not sure if he should. "That doesn't mean you wanted it. Doesn't mean you liked it."

"She said that I was dependent, and I needed her, and that I'd b-be back...and that she'd wanted it for a while...I shoved her away but th-then she started to cry..."

Gabe sighed. "It sounds like she's playing with you, Apollo. Don't go back. Just keep writing letters for now."

"She...she had hand down my...she was touching..." Apollo broke off. "I don't want people to know." He pulled away the pillow to reveal his shamed face.

"It'll be okay, Apollo. If you want to visit again, I'll just make sure to go with you, so she won't do that again. Okay?"

Apollo hesitated before nodding.

Gabe patted him on the back before getting off the bed.

fanfic, population au, collab

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