Dusky Pearl Shorts: Cecil

Nov 04, 2010 11:28

Author: R.L. Shephard, aka Madame Ruby
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Notes: I originally created the setting for the Dusky Pearl brothel for a roleplay with a friend. But the idea of a high-end brothel in an urban fantasy setting sort of stuck with me. So, from time to time, I might post a few short stories set there.

Cecil tried to make himself comfortable in his new home. It was hard - he'd lived on the streets his entire life, so suddenly finding himself a star attraction for a high end brothel was a bit intimidating. But the incubus brothers that ran the Dusky Pearl, Sascha and Rowan, insisted on keeping him around. Catboys were rare to begin with, and one with his unique, snow leopard patterning was a real treasure.

He wasn't so sure about that. His long, fluffy tail curled into his lap, and Cecil gave it a hug. The fluff had always helped keep him warm, and usually gave him comfort. At least he had the night off. The Pearl was finally bringing in enough money that all the courtesans who lived and worked there could afford to have some downtime.

Cecil flumped back on his bed, staring at the mirrored ceiling. Sascha had likely put that in. Vain almost to a fault, and he probably got off on being able to watch his own reflection get fucked almost every single night. But Cecil didn't particularly like looking at himself. The pale, grayish skin, the raggedy black hair that was in desperate need of a trim, the rounded black ears with little white tips...

He rolled over onto his stomach, not wanting to really look any longer. The brothers said he was beautiful. Cecil failed to see how, when he was a freak even among freaks.

"Cici?" Sascha's nickname for him. It had caught on among the others pretty fast. Cecil looked over at the familiar freckled face, smiling a little. Damien was a welcome sight - one of the few people that didn't pet at his ears or his tail and remind him of just how strange he really was among the myriad races.

"Hi Damien. Did you want anything?" The pretty elf with a nice tan, freckles, and two-toned hair was another popular courtesan. Not to mention, he was supposed to be working.

"Just checking to see if you're all right. You brood when you're alone." It was a tease, but it made Cecil's ears swivel back to lay flat against his head.

"I do not." The immediate, defensive reaction had Damien laughing. "Aren't you supposed to be with Louis?" They did have regulars, and Louis seemed to be infatuated with Damien. How on earth the man could afford to visit every single week was beyond Cecil's comprehension.

"He had to cancel. Business trip out of state." Oh. Well. That meant Damien had gotten himself worked up for nothing. He was one of the courtesans that really enjoyed their work. Not that Cecil didn't, because it wasn't an unpleasant job. The Pearl was very picky about its customers, and had gained an extensive blacklist in the two years it had been running.

Customers that were too rough for the courtesan's liking, insisted on things that were not part of the agreements... Cecil even had to file a restraining order against one that had decided to stalk him. But the strict handling of overzealous or rough customers meant that all of the Pearl's employees could just have fun with their jobs. Some, like Damien and Sascha, had a bit more fun than others.

"You were brooding. Why don't I help a little with that?" Damien grinned, crawling onto the bed and pulling Cecil in for a kiss. He tried to fight it at first, but Damien was insistent, and had always treated him nicely. It was easy to let him take over.
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