Commission: Brotherly Love

Apr 01, 2010 14:49

Commissioner: vikingcarrot
Author: R.L. Shephard, aka Madame Ruby
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 2267 words

Warnings: Dubcon, bloodplay, biting, light bondage, slash, incest

By now, it didn’t matter what the argument had originally been about. Arthur was tired of being controlled, of doing everything Jasper told him to like a stupid, abused little puppy. So many times in the last several months, he’d backed out of the argument first, but not this time. This time, he cornered Jasper against the refrigerator, hands set threateningly on either side of Big Brother’s head. Not that he would actually do anything to that pretty face, but the threat was effective enough at shutting Jasper up.

“Arthur, don’t...”

Don’t what? Arthur just smiled, showing off far too many sharp teeth in the process. “I’ll do what I want, Jasper. We both know what’s going to happen, so shut up and put your mouth to better use.” His brother wouldn’t actually listen to the advice, but it was worth saying just to see Jasper’s expression - a slight snarl and a baring of fangs, as though they’d ever be used against him. Big Brother knew better than that, and Arthur’s sharp smile widened as a response. “I’m waiting.”

Jasper never made the first move. He had to be... persuaded into acting, and Arthur was all too happy to be the one persuading. A little push here, a hand around his neck, and leaning in close sometimes did it. Sometimes, but Big Brother was being particularly stubborn today. It didn’t really matter, all that meant was Arthur had to be a little more forceful.

Soft, deceptively gentle kisses covered Jasper’s face, and Arthur’s free hand went down to fondle his brother’s crotch. “You always fight, but I see how much you enjoy this, Jasper. You like your little brother dominating you, fucking you senseless,” Arthur whispered in Jasper’s ear.

The response was in whispered Gaelic, both brothers going back and forth for a minute before Arthur tired of the little game. Almost casually, he backhanded Jasper, smiling as the priest was knocked onto the floor. “Just stop fighting and maybe I won’t have a reason to keep bullying you.”

There was no time to give Jasper a response - that cassock had to go, and Arthur didn’t really care if he ripped a few buttons off in the process. The church could pay to replace them, after all. Naturally, Jasper protested this indignation, but Arthur ignored him and kept going.

“Arthur, this is wrong,” Jasper pleaded, trying to push his brother - his brother - away. Arthur just brushed the hands aside, still uncaring. Jasper belonged to him, most especially right here and now. It wasn’t as though he cared about pointless things like how wrong Jasper’s false piety claimed their relationship was.

“So?” Arthur rumbled. Jasper was nearly out of the stupid cassock, all that the younger brother had to do was lift him up like a rag doll and take the stupid piece of clothing off his shoulders. “Never stopped me before.”

That cold, brutal truth didn’t seem to phase Jasper so much as it could have. Neither did being dragged to his younger brother’s room. He was a bit more compliant for the time being, and that seemed to placate Arthur. Somewhat. At least until a length of wide silk ribbon came out from among the semi-organized mess that was Arthur’s workspace.

It was a soft, solid piece of red silk, and Arthur shoved his brother face first into the bed so he could tie Jasper’s wrists together with as little interruption as possible. Of course it could be broken, but once again, Big Brother knew better than to do something so patently stupid. It would only earn him a beating, but even that threat wasn’t enough to keep Jasper from struggling.

Arthur rumbled indulgently at the sight of his brother tied up and on the bed. Even if it was only a bit of light bondage, the thing that really mattered here was taking away Jasper’s illusion of control. Without the use of his hands, Jasper couldn’t hit his younger brother back. Well, not without severe repercussions, at the least.

“Beg for me, Jasper...” Arthur bent down to whisper in his brother’s ear, his teeth sharp and so dangerously close even when his lips brushed sensually against Jasper’s skin. A light shudder went through the older brother’s body, and Arthur chose to interpret it as a pleased, aroused response rather than one borne of fear. Or maybe a little bit of both. Yes, that seemed much more satisfying.

“No.” Jasper was stubborn, but eventually he’d come around. He always did, in some small way or another. Arthur chuckled, grabbing his brother’s excessively long hair and yanking the smaller body up by it. That denial only made things more fun.

“No? Pity.” Despite the words, he had no hesitation in leaning a little further down, his lips brushing lightly against Jasper’s neck and shoulder. Big Brother was still shaking, fearing what he most likely knew was coming next. The irony didn’t escape Arthur, either. After all, what vampire likes being on the receiving end of a bite meant to draw blood?

It was easy. His teeth were brutally sharp and sunk easily into the pale skin, eliciting a delicious gasp of pain. Bright red rivulets ran down Jasper’s shoulder, and Arthur was all too happy to lick them up. A very large hand grabbed the ones tied up in front of him, gradually bending a finger backwards.

“You know I will, Jasper. The question is, are you going to make me?” Breaking fingers and drawing blood was easy, and less bothersome when the recipient could heal so unnaturally fast.

“...” An answer didn’t come near fast enough for Arthur’s liking, and Jasper screamed as his fingers were bent back too far and crushed in the process, one by one. Maybe next time he’d learn to respond a little bit faster.

“Now, are you going to give in yet?” Big Brother always caved, it was just a matter of using the right kind of persuasions. In the end, Arthur knew that his brother wanted to keep him happy, and eventually gave him whatever it was he wanted. In this case, it was sex.

Jasper nodded mutely, much to his younger brother’s amusement. Arthur pulled down the remaining clothing that was left on the smaller body, sitting on the bed and causing the springs to creak heavily under his weight. “Good...” he murmured, pulling the priest closer.

There was a little tube of lubrication on the bedside stand, and he reached over for that. It was more than he could be doing right now, and Jasper should be grateful for that. “I’m going to make you ride my cock, Jasper. You’ll enjoy that, won’t you?”

Big Brother’s face flushed darkly in embarrassment and shame - and possibly a little bit of anticipation, although that could have been only in Arthur’s own mind. Arthur pulled the smaller body up onto his lap, leaning down a bit to bite at Jasper’s shoulder again.

“Arthur...” Jasper cringed at the teeth going into his skin a second time, and he vaguely tried to wriggle away. If he’d been serious, if he really didn’t want to go through with this, he was powerful enough to get away. But the little struggle was only a token one, and nothing near what was needed to actually get away. Arthur took it as permission to keep going.

The cap was flipped open on the lube, and Arthur undid the belt buckle and button on his trousers. Jasper’s pretty little face flushed darker, his eyes pointedly looking away from his younger brother’s erection. Arthur chuckled, squeezing a bit of the slick, slippery substance into his hand. It would be so nice to try and get Big Brother to willingly ride him, but he was just too stubborn for that.

Still, he was feeling generous today. Things had been going so well before Jasper provoked him. Now he had Big Brother to himself, reminding the priest that he belonged to Arthur and no one else. It was a suitable end to the day, all things considered.

Arthur pulled his brother close into a harsh, dominating kiss. At the same time, his other hand started lubing up his erection with sure, quick strokes. He wasn’t afraid of not using enough, since he had a high tolerance for pain. Besides, why should he care if he hurt Jasper? It was easy enough for him to heal up afterwards, so it didn’t really matter all that much if he got roughed up a bit beforehand.

The kiss didn’t last too long, with Jasper daring to use those teeth of his to bite at Arthur’s lip. Thankfully, not at one of his piercings, or there would have been considerably more hell to pay for such open defiance. Arthur snarled, bodily lifting the smaller figure further up on his lap. It was so easy from there to pull Jasper down onto his cock.

Jasper made such a lovely noise, that strangled little moan that Arthur enjoyed so much. Big Brother’s little struggles loosened the silk ribbon around his wrists, which just couldn’t be allowed. Arthur grasped his brother’s chin, looking straight into those pretty green eyes. “Can't have your hands be free, can we?”

Arthur reached behind his brother's back, readjusting the band of ribbon. Then, he simply laid back onto the bed, his hands around Jasper's hips. Since Big Brother wouldn't move on his own, Arthur was willing to force him.

“Arthur, please...” Jasper whispered, his face a lovely shade of red and those pretty, catlike green eyes pointedly avoiding his brother's. But it was pleading, and that just made Arthur laugh, his fingers cruelly digging deeper into Jasper's hips.

“Do I hear begging, Jasper? Do you want me to fuck you harder?” He'd finally managed to break through, and pulled Big Brother down violently onto his cock. If he could just persuade Jasper to move on his own rather than being so forcefully guided, then it would be even better.

The taunting dirty talk had an effect, although not the particularly desired one. Jasper blushed deeper, letting out a quiet moan. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was enjoying the rough treatment from his younger brother - Arthur was absolutely certain of it. Still, it was a pleasant response, and should be encouraged.

“That's it, Jasper. You like riding my cock.” The words were a deliberate dig, and Arthur delighted in the embarrassment of his older brother. But there was nothing that Jasper could do about it. Not right here, and most definitely not in any sort of similar position.

“No, I do not,” Jasper responded. So determined to keep up his little facade, even if it would crumble by the time Arthur was through with him. It would be so much sweeter if Big Brother caved in sooner. Such a wonderful little thought, that. Behavior like what he was getting right now ought to be encouraged, perhaps even rewarded.

A rough hand grasped Jasper's erection - he was enjoying this, whether he admitted it or not, was the way Arthur saw it - and started giving Big Brother the encouragement and reward that suited the situation. It was so easy to manipulate him, to work those perfect little sounds out of Jasper's pretty lips. And unless he was going crazy, Arthur swore he felt the slightest bit of willing movement from the body on top of him, rocking ever-so-slightly back and forth.

Catlike green eyes squeezed shut, refusing to give Arthur the full attention he desired as Big Brother went through an orgasm that was all but forced upon him. Of course, there was still more due - Arthur had yet to satisfy himself and reteach Jasper exactly where he belonged. The short and proper answer being 'underneath his younger brother, begging for more.'

With the silk ribbon still tied nice and tight around Jasper's wrists, Arthur pushed his older brother off of him. Now that he'd made Big Brother enjoy the rough treatment, it was time for that treatment to get even rougher. Jasper's body was forced onto the bed with his legs hanging off the side, his head pulled painfully back by a large hand yanking on his hair.

Jasper had begged, bled, and come for his younger brother. Now all that was left for him to do was to suffer through the last few painful thrusts that were an inevitability. Arthur forced himself onto the priest, his sharp teeth getting dangerously close to Big Brother's shoulder yet again. Each movement was harsh, a final punishment for a sibling who'd forgotten his place, as well as just simply being the way that Arthur preferred sex to be.

Soon, though, it was all too much. Big Brother's gasping and panting, the desperate attempts to both get away and endure the brutality inflicted on him... They were enough to push Arthur over the edge himself. His teeth, already too close to biting Jasper for a third time today, sliced easily through soft flesh. A low, animalistic growl could be heard through the blood dripping down the sides of his mouth as he came inside of his own brother.

There wasn't any cuddling, any comforting. Just a soft, bloodstained kiss on the back of his neck. “Mine,” Arthur murmured into his brother's ear. Jasper belonged only to him. He just needed to be reminded of that every so often, that was all.

slash, smut, commission, fiction

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