I had the most incredibly adorable saturday this weekend.
Went and got Sabine, and we hung out for a bit before going to get Joel. Went for lunch and made fun of joel's resume, which i've since repaired... kind of. I need to be less verbose and have less of a love for fancy bullets. But the bullets are special! HE NEEDS THEM!
Sabine is going to make him apply and the New City Liquor Box. I think that'd be hillllarious. He could totally do it. He's just aloof enough to manage.
Went to value village. Sabine got me a shnazzy shirt. It's blue. And a medium... and i'm terrified by the fact that it did, in fact, fit me. BIZZARE.
Sabine tried to convince me *repeatedly* that i've lost weight. If i have, i've gained muscle cause i still /weigh/ the same. SO WEIRD. And even though i can wear smaller shirts now, i still have a bum that does not lend itself to smaller-sized pantzez.
Then, took joel to Paul and Derek's house. Watched wondershowzen, which i MUST show to ryan. It's horrifying aweful and yet so, so funny. Went to Sabine's so she could change, went to my place so /i/ could change, and then ate nachos at BP's while killing time before Suburbs.
Started to get all wibbly around eleven o'clock, in that i became almost entirely lost in my own brain. It was like "woah. pretty lights. hey, i have boots. look at that person. holy crap, i'm wearing a skirt. where'd sabine go? wait, more pretty lights. OOOH, boy to touch. I like boy" and so forth. Spent most of my time sitting on the stage petting Sabine/Paul/Derek. And wandering over to see Adrienne, cause i lovels her.
Paul and i danced. We spun each other. He's fucking /awesome/. Why, oh why, do i relate best to people many years my senior?
Then: Humptys. Derek and Paul were adorably drunk, and derek decided to "organize" my backpack, by taking ALLL the stuff from the back seat and putting it into my bag. Paul decided to wear my hat, derek decided to wear my jacket, and both decided to try and decipher all the notes i left randomly around the car. Derek /freaked out/ about my little drawing of a keyboard, convinced it was some sort of mathmatical chart. Probably the funniest thing ever.
Derek ate EVERYONE'S left over food. I was frightened. And then he asked me six or seven times if he could have a ride home, cause he didn't know where he was. Cute.
Took Sabine and the boys home, and proceeded to sleeeeeeep untill work.
Hurrah! First time in a long time i stayed out past three.
First time in a long time i felt platonically comfortable with boys i'd just met.
Though, i had a giant crush on one of them (probably derek) some one or two years ago when Cathy and i did fridays at suburbs. He had giant silver pants. I can't resist the boys in the giant pants.
I came home happy, for once. I saw tons of people i love. I met new people who didn't scare me, and i didn't automatically assume hated me. I felt /pretty/. It was all in all, really fun, despite my complete lack of reality.