Why am I so merrily writing superheroes fic now? you ask

Jun 23, 2011 18:36

OK, probably you haven't, but I now have an official answer that goes beyond the obvious: Because there are things you can do in superheroes fic that simply would not be feasible almost anywhere else.

For instance, could I ever introduce dragons into the world of Sherlock Holmes? (Well, yes, one could, perhaps in some homage to Naomi Novik's Temeraire books, but still, major tweaking of the Conan Doyle 'verse would be required to sell it. I couldn't pull it off.)

The Agent Pendergast 'verse offers somewhat broader parameters, but still, when all is said and done, if one desires to remain true to Preston & Child's creation you have to offer up some sensible sort of, real world, explanation at the end.

Could Philip Marlowe be hot on the trail of a vampire? Would one ever find Lord Peter and Bunter battling zombies in Mayfair?

I've no idea. I do know that when an idea pops into my mind along the lines of -- Hey, what if Lex Luthor got his hands on Kryptonite-fueled mechanical dragons? -- all that's necessary is to wait for a story to come along where that element can seamlessly (no really, seamlessly) be slipped in with no one batting an eye.

My long lost inner SciFi/Fantasy self couldn't be having a lovelier time. :)

I actually thought it might have been content with that, and a couple of other Clark/Bruce stories in the pipeline. But nope, while pulling together a 1930s murder mystery plot last night, to fulfill mithen's charity request from me, that long lost self went and pulled the best ever plotbunny out of a hat!

Now, fingers crossed I can actually pull it off.

(Fortunately, those other guys have many other things to recommend them, even if their feet are more firmly planted on the ground,)
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