30 Days of Books, Day 6

Aug 15, 2010 12:41

Although, first a rant: Just over 24 hours ago, as I was watching the end of a movie called Where the Sidewalk Ends on TCM -- the cable went out. Or, rather, the audio/visual stuff went out, as you can still see the listings and descriptions of what's currently on, you just can't actually watch any of it. It's done this before, and usually on weekends, and is one of the reasons I find those Comcast commercials where they're bragging about their customer service supremely hysterical.

Second, before proceeding to today's meme entry, I dug up some stuff about detective fiction featuring male protagonists for fanfromfla.

One thing I've had to conclude is that my impression of having read a lot of such books is slightly erroneous. The number is high, but that's because most of the books are from long-running series. That said, though...

Skipping over ones I'm sure of having rec'd before (Archie Goodwin & Nero Wolfe, Elvis Cole & Joe Pike), there's:

Ellery Queen: Kind of hit-and-miss overall, with the better books from the 1940s/50s. Particular favorites are Calamity Town,
Cat of Many Tails, The Scarlet Letters.

Roderick Alleyn: Short story here. I used to walk down to a corner convenience store, this was in the 70s, and check out a rack of paperbacks they had. (That's actually where I picked up my first Travis McGee, Dreadful Lemon Sky, after noticing it for several weeks running and finally succumbing to curiosity.) At the time, I had read just about every Agatha Christie there was, and was looking for something new in that line of British mysteries -- and this book called Grave Mistake by Ngaio Marsh caught my eye. Picked it up, read it, was hooked on Roderick Alleyn. Thus endeth my endorsement. :)

Some favorite titles from the series:

Artists in Crime
Death in a White Tie
Spinsters in Jeopardy
Grave Mistake

Richard Jury: This series grows a bit hit-and-miss as it goes along, but these first five are solid winners IMO:

The Man With a Load of Mischief
The Old Fox Deceiv'd
The Anodyne Necklace
The Dirty Duck
Jerusalem Inn

Jury's relationship with Melrose Plant, an aristocrat cut in the Lord Peter vein, is a crucial part of the series, and if the slashy moments are subtle they are there to be found.

Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware series gets a thumb's up, although to date I've only read Monster and Bad Blood. He is usually joined in his investigations by police detective Milo Sturgis. Milo's gay and in a committed relationship, so it's best buddies with him and Alex. Alex had a girlfriend, but most fans seem to like his French bulldog, Spike, better.

Adam Dalgliesh, P.D. James's series character, a melancholy poet of a Scotland Yard inspector. I've only read one of the books, but the series on Mystery! was a firm favorite for many years.

Brother Cadfael: He's neither cynical nor misanthropic, but he is a wise and wonderful 12th century Sherlock Holmes. He is a monk, but there's no preaching, and there is much of the humanist about him. On many cases, he works with Hugh Beringar, sheriff of Shropshire, and they have a quite lovely relationship.

Gideon Oliver: Aaron Elkins's lead character in a series of forensic mysteries that take Gideon around the globe. Old Bones is a particular favorite. Curses, set in Mexico, was also very good.

A Puzzle for Fools Great fun from the Golden Age of Crime Fiction!

There's a bunch I haven't read yet (but hope to), from Ed McBain's 87th Precinct novels to Robert Parker's Spencer, but anyway, that's a few I can give a thumb's up to.

And now: Day 06 - Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time

OK, this a tad redundant as this question has pretty well been covered in the previous days --

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

-- but after this the questions get a lot more interesting, so to tackle this one and move onto those,

Brimstone, book #5 in the Agent Pendergast series, continues to be my favorite of the series because it is just chock-a-block with everything that makes these books such a treat.

We've got Pendergast reuniting with Vincent D'Agosta (now Sgt. D'Agosta of the Southampton P.D.) after about a five year absence, and their first scenes together pretty well set up the slash for me. First, there's Vinnie's sheer delight at seeing Pendergast again, and Pendergast making it all playful by showing up in disguise. There's this:

(Pendergast) "Sergeant?"

D'Agosta came over and Braskie hastened to follow.

"What do you make of that?"

D'Agosta looked at the image burned into the floor. The finish around it was blistered and cracked, but there was no mistaking the mark of a huge cloven hoof, deeply branded into the wood.

"Looks like the murderer had a sense of humor," D'Agosta muttered.

"My dear Vincent, do you really think it's a joke?"

"You don't?"


D'Agosta found Braskie staring at him. The "my dear Vincent" hadn't gone down well at all...

It's just such a fangirl squee moment. *g* As his Braskie later calling Pendergast Vinnie's "special" agent.

The scene at the restaurant, though, is the truly establishing moment, with Pendergast asking Vincent to join him on this case, because -- among other things -- he knows this is what Vincent needs. Vincent's resentful flare up -- "I'm fine, I don't need your help" -- and then his cooling down, coming back, and signing up for the ride, is just wonderfully done. (This scene is also why Hayward's hostility toward Pendergast always grates, as she seems to have zero comprehension that Pendergast did indeed throw Vinnie a lifeline when he needed it most. If that's being a good friend than I would like to know what does fit her criteria.)

And then we're off on a wild ride that has them delving into a mystery that has its origin in a pact made decades ago -- and could it really have been with the Devil? There's shootouts and chases, an assassination attempt on Pendergast straight out of The Empty House, a picnic that should have lasted longer, a jaunt to Italy -- and more shootouts and chases, as well as Al & Vinnie adorableness.

There's a truly larger than life villain who, up to the point things really turn nasty in Italy, is quite charming and entertaining. There's an angsty, heartbreaking parting between our two heroes, and a climax straight out of Edgar Allan Poe.

At 726 pps., it might look daunting, but those pages fly.

The book's not perfect mind. For me, at least, the space devoted to Bryce Harriman and Rev. Buck could have easily been excised, preferably in favor of more time with Al and Vinnie, but mileage could vary on that. And of course Hayward shows off her usual crowd control powers. All very yawn-worthy, for me, but as it's a small fraction of the story, and easily skipped, it hardly registers.

Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about
Day 03 - The best book you've read in the last 12 months:
Day 04 - Your favorite book or series ever
Day 05 - A book or series you hate
Day 06 - Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time
Day 07 - Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise
Day 08 - A book everyone should read at least once
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A book that disappointed you
Day 12 - A book or series of books you’ve read more than five times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
Day 14 - Favorite character in a book (of any sex or gender)
Day 15 - Your "comfort" book
Day 16 - Favorite poem or collection of poetry
Day 17 - Favorite story or collection of stories (short stories, novellas, novelettes, etc.)
Day 18 - Favorite beginning scene in a book
Day 19 - Favorite book cover (bonus points for posting an image!)
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite romantic/sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 22 - Favorite non-sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 23 - Most annoying character ever
Day 24 - Best quote from a novel
Day 25 - Any five books from your "to be read" stack
Day 26 - OMG WTF? OR most irritating/awful/annoying book ending
Day 27 - If a book contains ______, you will always read it (and a book or books that contain it)!
Day 28 - First favorite book or series obsession
Day 29 - Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
Day 30 - What book are you reading right now?

meme: books, books: pendergast, books: detectives

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