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Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? rikyl January 21 2014, 19:21:38 UTC
You can leave those here.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? throwingpens January 22 2014, 03:53:34 UTC
You're amazing and I love you and thank you for doing this.

That is all for now.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? saucydiva January 22 2014, 03:57:33 UTC
I have a sudden explosion of overwhelming feelings for you, rikyl


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? wasabi_girl1 January 22 2014, 03:59:57 UTC
wheeeeeeeeeeeeee ty for this :)


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? fromiftowhen January 22 2014, 04:15:28 UTC
I was prepared for you to post this... I was excited to prompt many things. And then this episode happened and WHAT DO I DO WITH MY HANDS? Oh man. Thanks for posting this, and I'm sure I'll be back with prompts very shortly.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? rikyl January 22 2014, 04:17:28 UTC

It's okay. We have two months.

Oh god ... we have two months.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? midori_yee January 22 2014, 05:09:59 UTC
So glad that you started this ficathon to get us through the hiatus. P.S. I've read your work and am a fan! :D


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? denmark_peru January 22 2014, 06:04:55 UTC
I'm deeply, ridiculously in love with you for making this ficathon


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? rikyl January 23 2014, 01:51:53 UTC
An anon asked below where fic will be posted, and I'm going to answer the question here to keep it from getting lost in the prompts.

It's up to writers where they want to put their fic. They can leave it directly in the comments under the prompt that they're filling (like I did up below for the Movie Night prompt), or they can post it on another fic web site, like Ao3 or Fanfiction.net or on their own livejournal page. If they do that, I'm asking that they post a link to it under the prompt they filled (by replying directly to the prompt, not commenting on the main post please). That way the person who posted the prompt, and anyone else who wants to read it, will know the fic exists.

As prompts are filled, I will post links to them under the FILLS thread toward the top of the page so that people can more easily find them (it is the thread directly under this one). I hope this clarifies things.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? queer_theory January 24 2014, 08:03:49 UTC
I found you through the Tumblr posts about this and I am SO EXCITED.

I just need help finding a beta interested in Jetsy fic. Any ideas?

(All of the people I know in this fandom, I only know through Tumblr, so I'm not sure who to ask.)


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? rikyl January 25 2014, 00:16:22 UTC
Hmm, I was going to recommend the person who wrote the first Jeremy/Betsy fic in this post, but they posted anon! I'm going to ask around for you, though.


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? rikyl January 25 2014, 00:56:35 UTC
Try gotahandle on tumblr (she is AEM77 on fanfiction.net). I found out she wrote the Jeremy/Betsy fic posted today. She said to warn you she hasn't beta'd before, but she is an excellent writer so I'm sure she'd be great.

Other than that, I would look for fics you like and get in touch with the writers, just ask around that way. Good luck!


Re: Questions, comments, sudden explosions of overwhelming feelings? queer_theory January 25 2014, 01:05:20 UTC
Thank you so much.

I'm terrible about asking people, and most of my Tumblr friends in this fandom write Dandy. I imagine they'd be willing to beta Jetsy, but I wanted to find someone who writes it if possible, so this is super helpful. And now I'm off to read the Jetsy fic in this post! :D


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