The Mindy Project Hiatus Ficathon and Fanworks Free-for-all

Jan 21, 2014 13:18

Thank you to benknope for the beautiful new graphic!

Welcome! Come on in and make yourselves comfortable. Just put your coats in the hot-pipe room and leave your gingerbread houses on the counter. You can keep your fragile hearts with you for now.

Here is how this works:

1. Prompt things! Post as many prompts as you want, but just one prompt per comment. Prompts can be anything you like: a scenario, a line of dialogue, a lyric, whatever. They can be brief or detailed. AU ideas are fabulous. Missing scene requests are lovely. If you want, you can specify a preferred time frame and/or rating.

2. Fill prompts! If you are leaving a prompt, please try to fill someone else’s (although non-writers should please feel free to prompt too). Fills can be anything from short drabbles to full-length fics. You can post your fic directly in the comments under the prompt. If it’s something longer or you just prefer to post your writing elsewhere, please put a link to it under the prompt.

3. Review! Writers love encouragement. We thrive on it. We might even write more things. So if you read something you like, please say so!

Some notes:

• All Mindy Project characters and pairings are welcome! Except for Cliff-get out of here. Just kidding. Even Cliff fans are welcome, although you may have to sit in the back.
• Feel free to request or fill with other types of fanworks too: gifsets, graphics, fanvideos, fanmixes, dance routines, etc.
• You do not need a Livejournal account to participate (although if you want one you can sign up here). Just post anonymously and tell us who you are on tumblr or wherever. Or stay anonymous-that's okay too.
• NO SPOILERS PLEASE! If you write something that includes spoilers for future episodes, put it somewhere else and just post a link to it here, with a clear warning.
• Please help promote this during the hiatus by posting a link on your tumblr. And then go harass all of your friends to write things for us. And then come back here and write more things yourself.

If you have questions about how this works, please post them under the thread at the top of the comments.

As prompts are filled, I will post links to the fics in the FILLS thread below so that they're easier to find.

Now, as Mindy would say during a tension-filled breast exam/battle of wills, go nuts!

the mindy project; hiatus ficathon

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