Jul 21, 2008 12:59
Some folks I know were having a discussion recently about committing, ah, 'acts of accidental furriness' whilst in the workplace. And that got me to thinking about some of my own transgressions (and borderline transgressions).
I know for a fact that I've elicited the occasional bark-grunt-whimper of frustration, which, sadly, is something that tends to happen without my intentionally doing it; I suppose that years of being a furry has instilled that in me as a reflex reaction. In my defense, it hasn't happened a lot, and the times it has happened, it probably hasn't garnered any undue notice. Also, my former boss used to regularly make even stranger noises, quite loudly and with the definite intent for other people to hear them, so I think I'm reasonably safe on that count.
I've lost count of how many times I've nearly signed a work email as 'Rikky.' To my knowledge, I've never actually let one slip through, though I've come quite close, and more than once, I've checked my Sent folder in a panic, only to confirm that, yes, I had in fact used my real name. That one would be difficult to explain.
Also, in casual conversation with coworkers, there are occasions where I've nearly referred to myself as a fox before remembering, oh, wait, that will make me seem like a Class A Freak. I suppose it's a sign that I feel socially comfortable around my coworkers that my guards come that close to dropping; I just have to make sure that they don't drop all the way.
In a way, I'm actually kind of sad and disappointed that I don't have a more awesome story about accidentally turning my furfaggotry gauge up to 11 while on the job. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that I haven't. It seems like such a 'me' thing to do.