
Apr 02, 2013 17:48

So another academic year has passed and finally next year I am graduating from college ~
yay yay yaaaaaaaaaaay ~ XD

I have accepted the fact that before the academic year ended I took lots of responsibilities for the next school year ~
so Goodluck with being the president of PNU NAMI and ... for the Thesis and the off campus teaching next yeaaaaaaaaaar /o/
anyways .. I hope that I will physically and mentally survive ~
I will probably cry on graduation~

Since it's vacation ... I got no plans but fixing things for Tanabata VI and laze around :3
I actually got lots of plans before but everything was cancelled so ... I will only end up lying around the house and doing nothing ~ XD

I just wanted to share this:

We were thinking about a nice title for Tanabata VI (our organizations upcoming event)
and since we can't think of anything better ~ my baka imouto (in the organization)
suggested to think words from the songs in tenimyu ~ and yey ~ lols
we thought of something:

lols but that was just because we are all ecstatic already...
and most of the members jokingly says this is fine already .. LOL
I wonder if the Dean of the Student Affairs and Services would approve such title ..lol
of course not XDDDDDDDDD ~~

Hoping we could think of the best until friday ~
oh well tht's all for now ~

I've been alone in the house the whole day -______________________-

will watch GTO SP ~ lalalala ~~

and ~ PAPA TSUNE <3 XD

ecstasy, me and my lalalla, rawr

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