Sembreak THIS and THAT

Oct 30, 2012 22:36

It's been a while again XD . Actually I'm too lazy when it comes to updating my journal XD but I visit it everyday to check this and .. that XD

Well ~ the short semestral vacation has started since Wednesday last last week and all I did was bury myself in the bed or in the computer XD ~ not that productive ne ? and trust me I'm not that proud of it  ... I left few organization tasks still undone and I'm planning to start it soon? I know that I should be responsible but yes .. Vacation really makes me very irresponsible.

maybe I'll try to be responsible now since school is coming again >.<
we just have two weeks break and whether I like it or not ... on Monday I have to go to school again and face my responsibilities as a 3rd year college student .. now I'm wishing that Christmas break would start soon.
Yes I WANT vacations because of the trauma that the last semester left me.

anyways~ so how's my two weeks vacation?
I told you .. I buried myself on the bed and the computer .. 
I finished watching GTO remake the other day and believe me I cried in every episode xD
I don't know why xD but I really cried hard on the last episode. Maybe because I miss that kind of bond with my friends ...
well before the drama starts I should change the topic ..
so after watching GTO I still want to watch a few more movies here and there and I did ... my mom asked me if I'm still okay because I was like watching movies or whatever it is on the laptop the whole day ... but I was fine. I remembered that my eyes hurt a few times but it was not that serious >.<

oh oh and and .. actually when my sister is using the laptop it's either I'll sleep or read this book "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" It was actually six books and I just finished the last two books today. She borrowed it from her bestfriend and she told me that she'll borrow another set of books for me. I'm reading "Perks of being a wallflower" before my sis lend me the laptop today and I'm almost on the half of the book xD if my sis would tell me that she has to use the laptop tomorrow all day again then I would just finish reading the book tomorrow and If I'll get to bored I'll start reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" even though she haven't finished reading it!

It's the first time I wrote about reading books here ne? or not? haha well I love reading books and I finished a lot already ... sometime you just won't believe it on how I act when it comes to reading a few academic related stuffs XD

My vacation was not that productive at all I think but that's what vacation is all about after all ~
laze around and do what you want XD
but my parents were not so happy about how I act during vacation XD
since sometimes ... I sleep the whole day and just wake up when lunch is ready and go back to bed again after washing the dishes .. wakes up at around 4 pm and start using the laptop till 2 am >.<
now my mom is bugging me to sleep early coz she is gunna change my braces rubbers tomorrow.
I hate it when that time of the month comes ... XD I wish she would just bring me back to my ortho and let her do the job. (btw my mom is a dentist)

I wish to rant more about Sugarless and Generations and a few more stuffs but I'll just do it some other time around XD
but I really loved Sugarless Episode 4 XD I flailed a lot coz of Usui and his engrish and it really brought me back to good mood since I was pretty mad at my parents that time XD ...

and .. about the last entry on this journal ? please don't mind it .. it's pretty a trash now xDD hahaha ~
well things are still d same and I'm happy about it XD

I missed 3 Kamen Rider Wizard episodes XDDD

sorry if my english still sucks ~ I'm working on it ~ JAA


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