Also, I started writing this, again, a million ages ago and then fucked off. I don't know what's wrong with me...too much Rock Band Rivals? Also, I had to work extra hard during quarantine, so I'm super bitter about that...
Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome back! I got a few comments about closing the heir poll early, but I wanted to play~~ This would've sounded great if I had posted the update two years ago when I started writing it. *facepalm*
So, last time, in the update that languished in unwritten limbo for literal years, the family rolled a challenge to replace everything sitting/sleeping with the comfiest options possible. A bit boring, because most things were already there, and that wasn't quite enough of an excuse to zero out their money yet again. Hretha and Hermóðr became enemies. The triplets used their teen command to tackle homework piles, and Hretha celebrated by losing her virginity to Randolph sparespare, Helen Dork. Hermóðr and Hretha commenced the update's fightathon. Hermóðr called up
kingmike1224's Fleur Simpson for a booty call. Then the triplets went off to Uni.
Blair became a teen, rolling Fortune/Family. Thor aged into an elder, then Frigg became a teen, rolling Popularity/Pleasure. I held a big party/family reunion to cap off the last of the consecutive birthdays as Helle managed to make it to elderhood herself. Blair realized he'd been adopted into a clusterfuck of a family, tried to pretend he was above it all, became friends with his little sister, and was finally fully assimilated as a Bork. I sent the last two kids of Gen 6 to Uni, leaving Thor and Helle for a bit, and leaving you all with an heir poll:
Yay, more than two votes! I was a little anxious for a bit because the poll hovered at like 4-5 for a few days, leaving me with a tie. But we have a winner (and a loser, poor Hretha)...
It's Frigg! Helle's miracle baby, born between miscarriages 2 and 3. :/ So what LTW am I going to be saddled with this go-round?
...well that's certainly a lot more sedate than either of her father's. It took grandma Zisa til elderhood to manage it, but hopefully Frigg won't have to learn "The Truth is Out There," given she's an obvious piece of evidence herself.
Things started getting quite busy immediately, as several of Thor's past conquests decided that this was ~the time~ to leave post date gifts on the porch.
There are two three-bedroom suites on the ground floor, so I didn't really think about it...the boys are in one...
...the girls in another. It has the bonus of theoretically keeping the two feuding pairs (Hretha/Hermóðr, Syn/Höðr) apart. I say theoretically, because they'll never find their own bedrooms again. Ah, back to the lovely academic grind...
...seriously, Frigg? You haven't even gone!
...it just doesn't sound fun!
I immediately changed out her top because her bottoms clipped through it, and then I had to find a less legging-esque pair of pants. She's kept the theme of fabulous boots.
You gotta be a little sympathetic to Frigg. Her siblings immediately went to fuck off, where Frigg's gotta graduate, find a suitable spouse for breeding, etc, etc.
...so, this is the first sign of many that our next go-round at La Fiesta Tech is going to involve a carbon-copy of the BIV building. So much baggage.
So, I hope you like creativity skilling, girl! Frigg has ZERO creativity points but wants to be a ~Visionary Artist~. She can't even begin to paint her own heir portrait.
Her personality spread is pretty great, actually...except for the nice points. She's Thor's friendliest blood-related child. This explains so much.
Hey Helen! Sorry, Frigg's too busy to invite you in.
Jesus, Hermóðr, what was that for?!
Thor's kids love to play sportsball. By "play," I mean use it as a projectile weapon.
Frigg's here!
Hretha still remembers she likes her sister, aw.
Syn's found her ~true hobby~. Poker.
Frigg? All the uncontrollables hauled ass to class already.
Yawn, sounds terrible.
So sad, too bad, I can tell you what to do now!
Man, I thought college was supposed to be crazy hijinx.
Time for our heir to find a suitable lady friend! Her highest chemistry in the whole P_T townie list is the same winky eyed
alfredaskew sim that showed up first last update, and now I have been reminded of her name! It's Aria.
Remember how I was lamenting that Höðr would be difficult to find a pairing for, given his personality? He quickly proves me wrong by cozying up to
kathsy's Cindy Blake. Now, I do plan to marry off all the spares. Unfortunately, like when I did this once with the Randolphs, they're all going to get NPCs or playables. P_T sims are for heirs and spares unfortunate enough to have unplanned pregnancies autonomously.
Aw, shyflirts are effective!
...here's a second reason why this iteration of BIV Building won't be returned to. Every day, calls for Mnemosyne Randolph and Zisa Bork. THEY'RE DEAD.
(Third reason was some questionable routing near the end of the Uni play. Half the time the sims wanted to enter or exit their dorm suites, they went out the balcony and walked around the building. What.)
Zamir (
selzi) might be mad because he's been a dormie through over one and a half legacies and hasn't made it in. Or maybe he just hates the smustle.
Frigg gets a first kiss!
I'm glad to see something besides poker, Syn. Hopefully you won't fall prey to the infamous second semester of Freshman year.
Frigg's still gaining creativity. Hretha painting circles around her seems assholey, but I think she was trying to bond.
Yep, that's a television all right.
...so's this. *eyeroll*
I did sell it off, because I used all their scholarship money to purple up the place like I should have before they moved in.
What is this little turd doing there on the floor with his babby diary?
...oh, I guess I kinda forgot these two don't get along, either.
I'm glad they don't take after Helle in the whole food department!
What's so difficult? If you're hungry, you make something to eat and then you fucking eat it.
This weird little bedroom party is taking place in Hermóðr's room, btw. None of these people should be here.
Hold up, Hretha. Sleeping with one brother in the other's bed just in panties? WHAT.
Time for me to stop writing the update and perhaps abandon it forever?
Nah, but I swear, I'm going to like save this update into a magical backlog until I'm sure I'm going to post more than one per three years.
Anyway, time for the spares to start gaining some relationships because they all gotta get hitched for the payoff of the six kid Thor LTW. Syn's getting better acquainted with Aeneas Dork, a son of a Randolph Legacy spare.
They dig it!
But I want a date!
You might have better luck with the ladies if you refrain from stalking them, Höðr!
ZOMG guys, Blair as a great match in another adopted Bork kid! So, sure, Brodie is technically Blair's great-aunt, but they're not actually related and they both have B names. It's perfect!
...while it's not stalking, I don't see how bonding over your hatred of your older sister is gonna make you irresistable.
It's okay, we'll just move far, far away after I graduate, and no one will ever know both of our last names are Bork.
Frigg paints her heir portrait, so 0-60 in technical skills. Maybe this Visionary thing'll work out after all!
Höðr, I think Syn heard you talking smack about her in the front lawn.
I thought you had some culinary expertise, bb. What gives?
...wrong sibling, there, Cindy. But I guess Höðr may have found a stalkery soulmate.
Hey, isn't that Hermóðr's girlfriend?
Shut up. First of all, you hate Hermóðr. Second of all, we can't waste Fleur Simpson (
kingmike1224) on a spare. Third of all, you hate Hermóðr.
They'll have perfectly clashy alien babies! We just have to make Fleur love Frigg!
...given we're having her steal her brother's teenage sweetheart, this seems appropriate.
I am not a hussy! Why are you making me do this?!
Saved by the bell? Funny, you suddenly look disappointed that your date was interrupted by Frigg having to go to class!
They're adorable. I'm so lucky Fleur likes girls, too.
Cousin Aldéric drops by, looking super summer casual.
Höðr works his continuing charm on Ferdinand August (
brilliantcat). I'm relieved that somehow, the nicest of Thor's children is going to be heir.
~Little Miss Congeniality~
Looks like Fleur's gotten over Hermóðr. Cool, it's not like I'm not going to find him another lover.
Yes, I had the best luck finding familiar sims of my past for these guys. Hretha's got good chemistry with the adorkably ditzy Carbuncle Magicakes.
They fell in love ridiculously quickly, too.
I had to force Frigg to study in order to have a decent gradebar. Not surprising, considering this gal wanted to skip her very first class.
All the others passed their first semester.
Zamir tries to get in Syn's good graces, maybe he's sick of having been in college for sim centuries.
AHA, saved from wasting an heir-eligible spouse potential on Höðr, he's got good rapport with Adrestia Randolph.
C'mon, Syn, what's one more random ex-mascot barging in on various households?
That doesn't mean I gotta be the one to marry him!
My sister Frigg is taking some douche's sloppy seconds!
...that's your baby sister and that douche shared a womb with you!
Oh...nevermind, he's talking about the time she wet herself at Blair's birthday party. Because that's better.
No need to freak out, that's just Hretha, not Syn. You're safe!
Sorry, man, hope you just appreciate the playing. Frigg's taken. And you're not her type.
Good, Frigg's going to class...
What does it matter, Hermóðr?
Haha, Fleur ignores that booty call, and decides to chill with Marcell Asa (
hidden_kitten) instead until Frigg's back.
Exsqueeze me?
Look, maybe we need to step up this finding you another special someone gig.
Frigg comes back from class, Fleur's wrapped back up in the rightful Bork sibling, and Hretha gives Hermöðr some comeuppance.
I liked her first, what the fuck?
sorry, I like Fleur too much to save her for you
You like Undine? I don't think she goes for the ladies, sweetie.
Great, now they're in love with each other! (Let's just ignore the fact that Fleur fell in love with Hermóðr first, shall we?)
See, she was supposed to be Frigg's intended all along, she's already perfectly purple attired everywhere!
We have a little relationship commitment to hopefully forestall any more autonomous booty calls...
Bitterly, Hermóðr tries to mack on someone else's chosen partner, but the world doesn't owe him that much revenge.
Oh yeah, shy sims shy!dancing in their underwear. Makes perfect sense, don't it?
Stop perving on all of our girlfriends, dick!
I was dating Fleur first, Hretha!
I mean, Höðr didn't see it and Adrestia rejected, I don't see the harm.
Not that stops Hretha's rage.
...how did that make you NOT enemies?
Syn's just chilling and winning.
...it's like Frigg inherited her father's ability to attract the opposite sex. Not his ability to attract women.
She utilizes it to have Josh Gregory (
selzi) write her term paper for her.
They may like each other, but that won't stop them from assaulting each other with projectiles!
Why are all these purple ladies so hot?
Why doesn't this asshole know we've all got girlfriends for a reason?
Obviously, Jared Wilder (
imaginepageant) doesn't take rejection lightly.
Syn, try not to gauge out Höðr's eye. I bet Adrestia prefers him with both of them intact.
...how is this asshole macking on all the dormie ladies?
This is all your fault! If you hadn't drawn Opaline's attention to Höðr, he'd still be mine!
Yeah, bitch? That asshole is toying with both of you, and when you're both crying about it, I'm going to laugh my ass off.
God, I'm making so much money with my music!
Right. It's the music, Frigg.
I'm sick of your face, and I'm sick of your little groupies bothering me about it!
Oh, wait. Hretha and Helen had a thing when they were younger, didn't they? Oh, the choices...
Here, Hermóðr. Have the burglar. LOL
See, they're in crush, it's a fine substitue for a gorgeous redheaded alien lady!
...aw, Helen's in love with Hretha. Who do I choose?
Look, I don't care if you're a hardened criminal, you're not hardcore enough to play ball with one of Thor's sons. Trust me.
I can never decide if I'm a millenial or not. On one hand, I remember the 80s and started my music journey listening to vinyl. On the other hand...I downloaded avacado toast for my sims because I fucking love me some avacado toast.
What the hell did you put in this, Hretha?
...you're watching me eat it, genius. Take a guess. It starts with Ava and ends with cado.
Aw man, Zamir really wants the hell out of here, doesn't he?
IT'S NIKE RANDOLPH, GUYS! Run far away, your life on Planet Normal can only be tarnished by the Borks!
Got Blair's relationship with Brodie squared up.
...somehow they got to that point without kissing? Oookay.
So yeah, let's get them engaged. This is the proper order of things, isn't it?
It's like being in college all over again!
I don't really remember any huge feuds in Gen Green, Brodie, but you do you!
Well...then Brodie does Blair, but...
Syn apparently never had a first kiss, either, so here's hers with Aeneas.
...god, I just remembered I thought Brodie had a huge crush on Aeneas, and then she never talked to him. Oh what might have been...
Another spare sorted, at least.
If you hate dancing, Frigg, don't do it!
(...though it is adorable.)
Looks like Athena wants to meet her future daughter-in-law?
I kinda love how Syn's just gonna hate on this girl now because she had the audacity to kinda like Höðr. Hate by association!
Sorry, Carbie, but Hretha/Helen are meant to be!
Looks like Brodie and Aeneas are just buddies, handing out with their fiancé(e)s here.
I'm sorry I accused you of trying to poison me. The toast was pretty good, Hretha.
...I think these two are actually making up?
Blair, while I'm glad you acknowledge one of your siblings' existence...did it have to be this way?
Höðr Bork, manwhore.
Every time anyone goes to Uni...I don't get it, how hard is it to remember how to not set pancakes on fire?
It's hard enough to get Frigg on task as it is, now there's a fire engine to distract her!
I don't know how any of the male dormies have any cash left, they keep giving it all to Frigg.
Wow, they all made it over the infamous semester 2 hump! I think it's because they all had to learn how to make their own food, living in the same house as Helle.
Yep, we're still hooking Hermóðr up with this gal.
That should be me with Höðr!
No, that should be Adrestia!
...you know, I thought you were one of the smart ones, Hretha.
Jesus, Höðr, you are just doing this to prove that you are capable of positive interaction with the opposite sex, aren't you?
Another day, another term paper for Marcel to write for Frigg!
Hey, Hermóðr, I bet Frigg and Fleur did it in that elevator first!
...look at his face.
Why would they bang in there?
...like Everest, because it's there?
Another engagement!
Well, hopefully he'll calm down about me an' Fleur now...
Seriously, dormie guys. At least aim for the straight sister!
Why are you watching him clean up your mess, cook?!
Don't let his happy news interrupt your hatred, Hretha!
Syn rages at Höðr from the bathroom...
...which Cindy will not allow!
I think Frigg needed some body points.
Syn, you are engaged, about to hook up with some other dude, all while thinking of your little sister? WHAT
Ohhhh, no, Frigg wanted to get fit. Popularity sims have some weird wants.
Even though Höðr has like three women all infatuated with him, he's still miserable because Syn hates him and all of them by extension.
...still weird, Blair.
Well, your career choice makes sense, because you are running away with all of my cash!
...this may be why your siblings don't like you, Höðr.
Time to cement the Gen 6 spouse selection!
And, I'm sorry, Höðr, but the
pixel_trade ladies have to be reserved for the next few generations. Even if the community is dead and I am only sporadically playing, I may need them someday!
Adrestia and you are both delightful asshole spare alien spawn that will live happily ever after!
...then they decide to do it in the elevator.
Where's Höðr?
Banging his fiancée in the elevator.
This is all your fault!
I like how they also took it to the photobooth.
Please hang up the evidence, Höðr. Maybe your stalker will simmer down.
Haha, in front of Opaline, too? God you two are such jerks.
...wait, he's TAKEN.
Secretly ashamed you made an enemy? Try being NICER, Syn!
...oh. OH. I didn't even catch that! *updates stats*
Hey, Hretha was in the pool awhile, she works out enough, guy!
Where'd you get that macaroni, Hermóðr? How does it taste?
...why are you taunting Jared in your panties?
Stop pretending to poison me!
Oh sure, it's not like they ever stopped acting like enemies!
If I were you, I'd be more embarrassed about the llama staring at me topless, but sure, losing a fight to Hermóðr? SADFACE
Don't start acting like your mother now, please.
This is why we rarely have to deal with the cow these days.
...he didn't listen to me, and continued on with his Helle impersonation.
Frigg's finally got the ladies passing her some tips~~
Shouldn't someone wake him up?
You'd think one of his stalkers would've tried by now, wouldn't you?
Hey, Höðr's up now, but I don't know if it was Opaline or the fire alarm.
Why doesn't this woman ever clean up her own kitchen floods? I wanna know!
Oh my god, I totally forgot this happened. She caught herself on fire this time!
No, Höðr, channel your true inner asshole. BURN, BABY, BURN
It's too bad I couldn't have Frigg set her back on fire.
So, completely tanked, the spares head to class as the fire engine shows up to deal with our cafeteria ~issue~
...and then I murdered the cook with a falling satellite.
That's what you get!
Somehow, despite all that craziness, Blair's the only one who failed his final. Not any of the ones in the kitchen during the burning times.
He's such a crybaby.
I never asked for any of this! All I wanted was a home of my own, a place where I could be loved!
Hey now, you were very, very wanted, Blair!
That doesn't make me feel better!
I wonder what's for lunch?
Nothing, Marcel. We've got to clean up this disaster first. Look at that stack of bowls Syn's got.
She steps up to clean up the whole kitchen...
...while I have Frigg prepare a meal. I'm pretty sure they didn't get a respawned cook that day.
So, Blair's not graduating. Obviously.
Especially now!
Wow, so many cute things that don't work together!
You were doing so well until the last minute! If only Frigg actually had studied, she might've finished faster.
Aw, look how normal Blair is. It's a shame he got adopted by the Borks.
Hermóðr, I hope that's a nice farewell and not a smug one. Most of your siblings don't like you already.
Glad you're not heir!
Oh god, same LTW as Frigg, but look at those ZERO NICE POINTS
Three nice points was not enough to keep you from feuding?
Aw, I want a Prestidigitator in my game. Someday...
I guess no one else's transition's were funny, but Syn's was silly.
Frigg's back home, back in her lovely braids...
...I made the house all lovely and purple...
And the spares got moved into a huge holding house to get their marrying on!
...Blair's obviously not over the whole college-dropout thing.
Hermóðr and Hretha aren't over their...everything.
But who cares, it's WEDDING TIME
...dammit, I'm doing this for Thor, I guess this fight still counts.
Usually the brawls don't start until the reception, guys!
I wish I kept track of who won these fights, but Hermóðr's looking SMUG here.
Okay, Syn/Aeneas!
...good thing the burglar is going to be Helle's daughter-in-law and not yours, Athena?
Here's Hretha/Helen! ...oh that's funny. Two of Athena's kids are now related by marriage to the woman that robbed them.
Two weddings is good to Thor, but four more to go!
Geez, Brodie's got a hate-on for Hermóðr's intended, too. I almost wish I was playing this house with all of them after this.
Blair tacitly ignores his brother marrying the burglar.
Finally, Höðr/Adrestia get hitched.
Yeah, Harmonia, your sister's wedding to Thor's son is probably a bad time to flirt with him.
Now, Thor's invited siblings fighting does not count toward stats! However, it is the reception, so they picked the appropriate time, at least!
Frigg's just chilling inside, guess if it's not her wedding, she's not interested.
Glad you like the buffet, Vör.
Seriously, Harmonia...Thor's about to be a grandpa, and he stuck with his wife even though she's functionally incapable of being an independent adult. You need to move on.
One thing happened during the honeymoon...
...Brodie and Blair decided to make it so I had to come back and see what their coupling wrought. Maybe I actually will!
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 5
Perma-Plat Sims: 6
Shrink Visits: 9
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 2
Self-Wettings: 25
Pass-Outs: 31
Fights: 33
Deaths: 11
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 7
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 6
Okay, so you can tell from the weird beginning, I started writing this not too long after the last Laurince update. Then...nothing. It's hard to explain. I'm never using my computer any more, I browse the web and do stuff on my ipad. And, if I feel like playing a game, I just have to hit a button to turn on a console and it boots up, along with my television. I've been wasting a fair bit of time regularly on two things, Rock Band 4 for weekly challenges, and Mobius Final Fantasy, a mobile gacha game that kinda wants you to log in daily. I've been spending less time in RB4 because I joined a crew that doesn't depend on only my contributions and Mobius Final Fantasy is shutting down at the end of the month.
I like playing sims. I want to get back into doing it regularly. I am going to try to do so. I was going to save posting this update until I could guarantee it wasn't a one-off, but I accidentally posted it because the apostrophe key is right next to enter, so I feel like I have to post it now to not be a dick.
So, here's my idea. I think I'm going to do another Bork update so I can do the fun of starting a generation, and in the swing of things, then I'm going to play the Laurinces since they're in Uni.
Let me know if there's been any new fun developments with Sims 2 content I've missed in the last great while. Let me know how you've all been doing. I've missed my sims, and I've missed all of you!