Bork Legacy, Generation 6.4!

Feb 10, 2015 02:45

Where is my pixel_trade? Current spouse, Helle Almassy, is raemia's.

Last time, Helle finally had a psychological breakdown. The triplets (Hermóðr, Höðr, and Hretha) spent most of their time as toddlers chilling together. Helle had a miscarriage, leading to another breakdown. A new weekly challenge was rolled--The Quiet Family--which meant that the next three NPCs on the lot had to be murdered, with their graves left on the lot. The victims were the nanny, mailbitch, and the paper girl. Helle's good mood and health returned, so she and Thor tried for another baby.

After a happy first trimester work day, Helle actually became a somewhat responsible mother, autonomously toilet training Hermóðr. The triplets became children, and none of them did it badly. Syn was a responsible girl, cleaning the house, while also having fun. She discovered the swingset, and her OTH--sports. Coincidentally (or not?) all of her younger siblings' OTH was also sports. Valhalla scared Helle back down into mass motive failure, and Helle did absolutely nothing to resolve the issue. We ended with Thor desperately preparing breakfast while Helle...juggled.

The more things change...

...the more they stay the same.

NO! Please just be a few premature contractions!

If Helle didn't do such a bad job of taking care of herself, I would just say she has some rotten luck. :(

I don't know if I've gotten ISBI down to a science, or what. Thor's managed to cook several meals a day (because Helle has to be lured to them to eat), and he got all four kids' assignments taken care of, and he's not had to resort to coffee at all.

Meanwhile, I have to call to meal 3-5 times generally to get Helle to show up for food at all. When she's not pregnant.

Proof that Helle was so hungry, she downed two plates of fried chicken.

I am starting to realize something, though. Even though she and Thor are only two bolters, she's pretty well obsessed with him. She will do any mundane activity just to be near him. (Which explains why him working out in the bedroom will cause her to sleep in the correct bed, why his preparing food leads to her juggling, etc.)

I don't know, Zisa. I had to buy lots of yard decorations one week. Why complain about the flamingos when there are four times as many gnomes?

Okay. They're trying for another baby. But this time? I have a back-up plan.

I have no clue what happened, but half the kids are on a bizarro sleep schedule. Hretha's playing videogames at 2am...

Höðr's in the toybox. Hermóðr and Syn are sleeping, like sane people.

Luckily for me, Helle can still go to work during first trimester. Since she's in the military, I can only guess that her CO is screaming at her if she doesn't eat during the day.

Thor doesn't get home before the kids come home from school, which leads to this bizarro arrangement where Zisa and the nanny are in the house by themselves from 8am-3pm.

So...I really, really don't want this card to lead to a promotion, since Helle just left...


Sure, you're happy now. Does that mean you'll eat or sleep on your own?

I'm getting really sick of these delusional repairmen. Too bad I didn't murder this dude last week, huh?

Turns out the nanny was completely unnecessary. Between Helle's abrupt workday end and Zisa's day off, the kids wouldn't have been home alone for one second.


Zisa, don't hate on the nanny. I don't need multiple nanny graves on the lot.

Great. Thor burns the Helle-bait.

Syn's being a little shit for no good reason. She had an A+ today, she should be ecstatic.

In no time flat, Helle's stuck in too tired to eat/too hungry to sleep again.

I use her ONE COMMAND to make her drink coffee...

...then I drag Thor over to pull out a bunch of gelatin and call her to meal repeatedly.

After that, Thor needed to finixh maxing body for his last promotion. Whipped out the bike, put it next to the bed, and voila--sleeping Helle.'s only the second trimester.

Out of curiosity, I checked my free will hack, just in case there was more than on/ on/off/be a stupid shit...and Helle was set to it. No dice.

So it's time for the backup plan...we built a little cell apartment off of Thor and Helle's normal bedroom.

Welcome to the Helle Almassy-Bork Pregnancy Containment Center. The only person allowed through that door is Thor. There's a nice bed, bathroom fixtures, a kitchenette, and one entertainment item--the bookshelf. (I did later rearrange the table so there were two chairs.)

Note how Helle immediately does the one thing that does not help her stay alive.

Thank goodness Zisa's around to babysit the kids...

...because Thor's gotta babysit his pregnant wife. She will only eat if he's already sitting at the table. Luckily, he needed some mechanical points, so he was at least doing something useful while Helle ate half a platter of jello.

Zisa's mainlining caffeine because the kids are still on divergent sleep schedules.

Do I really need to eat more?

All you've had to eat today is two cubes of it, honey.

*sigh* All right...

Zisa helps out with Hermóðr's insatiable love of sports, while Jeremy (alfredaskew) walks by. Maybe if you come by in a couple of weeks, someone will be available to invite you in the house!


Zisa went to work that day, bringing back Grover Mythos-Andrews (kingmike1224)

It's time for Syn to become a teen!

Unfortunately, Thor's just as exhausted as the wife he's been keeping alive, so he'll be missing it. :(

Syn rolled double Fortune. Usually the only double aspiration roll in my game ends up being Romance. So that's pretty interesting!

Syn likes guys.

And she continues to be pretty freaking adorable.

She's got a lot of Helle in her, but she's not entirely a clone.

Despite her growing up well, she thinks it's fun to torment her sister Hretha. Zisa, shouldn't you step in here?

Not my kids.


Funnily enough, death has made her even bitchier.

But it's Valhalla who pops out again to do some scaring. It's poor Grover who's victimized this time. I'd feel bad, except the last family member she scared was a pregnant Helle. I'd rather random visitors get it than Thor's poor wife.

Oh, shut up. It was only a matter of time until I rolled that challenge and killed you, and you know that.

Like you'd watch a television if your husband was around to watch instead, Helle.

Now it's Hermóðr up all night, for some reason.

Third trimester! The Helle Almassy-Bork Pregnancy Containment Center may prove to be a success.



(It was, fortunately, just premature contractions. But...I cannot do more to keep Helle healthy than I already have. T___T )

Syn's noogieing Hretha again. If you're not careful, Syn, when your sister grows up, she'll attack back!

Bitch better watch her back.


Yes, yes, you love anything that doesn't keep you alive more than life itself, Helle, WE KNOW.

Syn apparently didn't inherit her mother's inability to take care of herself.

Look, an entire omelet! Eaten voluntarily!

I heard a scream. Who peed on the floor? Helle can't leave the containment center.

Poor Hermóðr, scaring victim.




Please have more than one please have more than one please have more than one

While Helle is as amazed and thrilled as I am that she has had another child, the game decided to spite me fully, and she just had one.

It's a girl, with brown hair, alien skin and eyes. Given that it's a) a name on the list of Nordic deities and b) a good way to vent and express my feelings on this whole "Helle having babies ordeal," her name is Frigg.

And, honestly? I give up. Five kids will have to be enough. One LTW for Thor will have to be enough.


Helle is soon off to work, the only place that can successfully care for her special needs.

Zisa's insisting her new granddaughter be kept away from the nanny...though I'm pretty sure Thor doesn't have to work today.

Helle brings home Scyther Scallywag (sea-serpent).

And Thor pounces on her in the photobooth!

Höðr picks the worst best time to come show off his report card!

By the time Hretha drops in, everything looks completely innocent.

Váli dropped by, but he doesn't seem too pleased by the dinner offering. Buddy, I don't care what Thor serves, as long as Helle eats it.

And then, in using sex to lure Helle to bed, THOR OOPSES ME.

I've already demolished the Helle Almassy-Bork Pregnancy Containment Center. I don't want to go through all that again. :( :(

We'll...try to have baby six, normally.

Thor's still keeping up on all the kids' homework quite well. It actually helps that half of them are on weird sleep schedules. Half do it in the afternoon, half at night?

New weekly challenge. This time it's a ROS one...but losing 60 simoleans? No way. We're going to multiply 12 by 5000 instead of 5.

And I forgot to take the after pic, but this is the before. So they're still left with nearly 100 grand. I sent to to a couple of the spares with money orders.

Nanny's back. She may not be a good nanny, but she's a pretty one.

First order of business? Put Frigg on the carpet. *shakes fist*

And, of course, it's the first trimester, so Helle went to work and gained aspiration AND motives.

I'm...*hurk* glad I made some extra...*blargh* to take care of this new...*ralf*

inkstaind_stars's Sveta Greer walks on by.

Look, you can't just leave my baby on the floor! Someone will call CPS!

I've been taking care of babies longer than you've been alive, you brat. Babies LOVE carpet!


Thor's topped his career. He is such a contrast to the woman he married.

dothesmustle's Ian Piper tagged along, though he looks less than thrilled at having to put on that astronaut suit to do it.

I'm so excited to meet our new baby, aren't you, Thor?

...I hope you're being cautiously optimistic, there, Helle. You're not even having any coffee. (Thor's using it so he can stay awake for Frigg's birthday.)

How did I miss Zisa passing? ZISA T___________T

You can really see how she became a primary caretaker while Helle had such a rocky time of it. The poor kids.

I kinda moved the graves over so there was more room. I do like that nice, golden Grilled Cheese headstone.

Poor Thor. I'm a little glad that Helle's not too depressed to eat, though.

Syn's shaken up a bit, too.

Oh yeah, I'm so happy to meet some strange dude the day my grandma died.

Also, in your underwear?

Hretha and Höðr are sad. I'm just glad that Frigg's a bit too young to be upset by Zisa's passing.

Toddler time!

The triplets will be teens soon, so I use their childhood commands to tackle the homework.

What? But Helle was doing well!

...I'm wondering, now, if Helle's now marked as being prone to miscarry, plus she's getting older...though she's a few days behind Thor in age.

I feel so bad. It seemed like she really, really wanted this baby.

On a more cheerful note, here's a good shot of toddler Frigg. She seems to take after Thor, but I could just be blinded by her coloring and eyebrows.

Syn's warmed up a bit to Ian, I see. Hretha's off to bed, thinking about death. :(

Tonight's absurd night owls? Hermóðr and Höðr

Helle, you do have five lovely children. Right now, they span just about all age groups, too!

Syn is proving to be quite responsible, I woke Thor up to prepare breakfast, only to see that she already had.

Remember, there are plenty of people in the world who don't have enough to eat, so we should be happy that we do.

I know you're depressed, but the kids and I all need you, Helle.

In happier news, Willowmere generated a very interesting paper delivery boy.

Aaaand, it only took reaching the TOP of the military career, but Thor's finally dressed somehwat professionally.

But how did he fit all his glorious hair under that beret?



So I gave Thor the car that used to belong to Zisa. :)

Nanny's a bit more careful with Frigg now that she can complain about her treatment.

Aaaand that's why I hire you to fix things, Repairguy.

They did this autonomously. And I think Thor finally realized they need to use birth control.

Well, that was fun. Time to go eat some birthday cake.

...if I have to.

Time for the triplets to hit teen!

And every single one of them grew up well. At this point, I also realized something quite crazy...I never bothered to get them into private school. Whoops. Thor and I were much, much more focused on Helle, for obvious reasons.

Hermóðr's another Fortune sim, with a GC sub.

Höðr rolled Pleasure/Romance.

Hretha rolled double Fortune, just like her big sister, Syn.

Hermóðr is straight, while the other two triplets are both bisexual. Well, if either one of them is heir, they will certainly have options, won't they?

Höðr's quite properly attired, isn't he?

Hermóðr's wearing a nice jacket over his mandatory purple.

And while Hretha's gorgeous and I love alien eyes with human skintones, I'm pretty sure her face is all Helle's.

More proof that a non-pregnant Helle is quite a good mother.

In a way, I'm a bit glad that Frigg is going to be the last kid of the generation. She's already so far behind her brothers and sisters agewise...and I think Helle is going to appreciate her a lot more after all her problems. we are. The update's a bit short, but I am hoping to squeeze everything else pre-Uni into one more update after this. I haven't done the math on Frigg's transition to teen, but the first Monday that rolls around when she is a teen will probably be the day I send her to Uni. I like to end before the next Tuesday challenge, else things get a bit wonky with timing.

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 5
Perma-Plat Sims: 6
Shrink Visits: 8
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 2
Self-Wettings: 23
Pass-Outs: 29
Fights: 26
Deaths: 11
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 7
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 5

You know what guys? Helle kinda stopped being wacky and entertaining, and she sorta slid down into being kinda depressing. The good news is, however, that I have already played part of the next update and things will be much, much better. Though it is rather interesting to be halfway into a second ISBI and still have the game throwing curveballs at me!

I'm chuffed that the Containment Center worked out so successfully. On one hand, I wish I'd thought of it earlier. On the other hand, I don't think I could have thought of it until things got to that point. I'm wondering if Thor's attraction perk from being a Romance sub overrode Helle's sense of self-preservation.

I can't believe the kids are so, so well adjusted, either. Despite loving Zisa, none of them tanked when she passed. None of them had screaming fits about being bored, despite being in public school which is normally SO. BORING. for sim kids.

Here's to more fun shenanigans next time~~~~

rainbow, viking death squad, isbi, pixel_trade, bork legacy, willowmere

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