Randolph Legacy, Generation 10.4!

Feb 15, 2013 04:22

Who's gonna make your heart beat again, pixel_trade? Generation 8 spouse, Marty, is by brilliantcat, and Generation 9 spouse, Noah, is by alfredaskew.

Last time, I sent the graves to the graveyard to cure some of the lot lag (it worked), and, also, because I had technically hit Gen 10 two updates prior to that. Khione gave birth to twin girls, Nike and Psyche. Mnemosyne reached another LTW because this gave her six grandchildren. The kids ended up having three snow days in a row, driving me nuts. Aeolus grew into a child, looking more like his father's coloring on Khione's face. Psyche and Nike became toddlers. Asteria became a teen and rolled Pleasure/Knowledge like her mother. Khione finally topped her final skill, earned her LTW, and became perma-plat! Her new LTW was to become a Media Magnate, so I found her a Journalism job. Nike and Psyche became children. Finally, Thanatos and Triton went off to Uni.

Why are things so weird early in the morning?

What on earth are you talking about, Aeolus--

...look, that's not the morning making things weird, that's just your grandparents being weird, okay?

So, Psyche, I think we should ask Mom if we can have a snow day today! When Asteria was little, she had lots of them.


It doesn't snow in summer? So not fair!

Them's the breaks, Nike.

Apparently, Asteria's just happy to know that she won't be stuck in the house for five sim-years straight again.

Khione, what's with the salmon?

Inviting over the headmaster. Again.

Must be a plot to avoid ever having to make his own dinner.


Look, it's Adrestia! Let's invite her in because I don't accidentally start typing her name when I want to talk about Asteria, never!

Again, I'd like to point out that these two are not having any more children, because they're not fucking lunatics like some sims I know, Quimby Laurince...

Hold up, Helen, Marty isn't a burglar. He's a mime.

...I realize that's probably worse, but...

Yes, yes, you have a friend. Good for you.

She's very...enthusiastic?

We should've invited over Vesna.

How do you even know her, Mnem?

Khione invites in her aunt, Theia.

And this little bundle of sunshine.

Heyyyyyy, how's it going?

Don't ruin this for your sisters, Asteria.

Um...she's not showing you the room, she's showing you dinner, you fuckwit.

Who the hell are you, again?

Noah, while I can understand not wanting to share delicious fancy dinners with your kids' friends, maybe confront them when you don't have another important guest NEXT TO YOU?!

Who needs stinkin' schmooze points, anyway?

Hey, goodnight headmast--

Asteria. Stop. It.

What's Nike's problem?

Helen is Nike's problem.

Looks like the being antisocial thing is working out for her twin Psyche, over here.

At least Nike appears to be getting along better with her Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Aunt Adrestia.

You guys, Mnemosyne is right. there.

What was your bright idea, Khione? Actually going to bed at night now that you hit your LTW?

I'm pretty fond of Noah. He does the dishes, and seems to have passed this trait down to his children.

You know, I may have mentioned it before when he aged, but Marty's one handsome old dude.

Wow, is that Marty's--

Shut up, Bruce-Bragi, you're practically Asteria's uncle!

Khione's been a pretty awesome final (official) heir, guys, hasn't she?

Things that aren't happening before the end of this legacy: Khione getting a third LTW.

Aeolus is doing homework on his own, which must mean he's gonna have a birthday soon!

Like today! Party time, which seems to be bringing in his uncles Hypnos and Zelus, and aunt Selene.

And, of course, Thanatos (left) and Triton (right). Not only because they're his older brothers, but also because you all need to remember that they're off at Uni.

Maybe the kids got some sort of great faces gene passed down from Khione or Mnemosyne.

...or Noah? XD

Looks like Nike's stinking up her big bro's party.

Aeolus...well, it could be worse. That GC part could be primary.

Oh no! This is so gonna tank the party score.

And, while this was the last position we saw Mnem in before the party, it's looking like the last position we're seeing her in, period.

B-but I wanted some cake, dammit!

All I can think of in this shot is how terribly Nike must stink for her twin to be focused on that.

Aeolus is looking pretty smokin. He has mostly his mother's facial traits--except lips, I think--and then all of his father's coloring.

He's straight. Look, I had all of his post-aging actions queued before I knew Mnemosyne was dying, okay?

Wow, I'm impressed with how well she kept up relations with Zelus, considering he doesn't live there.

Speaking of Zelus, he and his twin commiserate over the loss of their mother. T__T

And...well, if Marty has to find out about Mnem's passing this way, at least his BFF Bruce-Bragi's there?

Aw, honey, and we managed to get you sane for so long, too...

Can't blame him here, at least he's got a real reason to lose his mind this time.

Mnem must've been a pretty good uncontrollable grandmother, all the kids are upset, too.

Now...I'm not completely complaining, because 79's fairly good for ISBI. BUT, Mnemosyne was perma-plat before she hit elder, and her crazy uncontrollable husband manages to outlive her? RANDOMNESS!!

...and I have no idea how the hell we managed to actually have a decent party. The family matriarch died in front of the birthday cake, guys.

I don't think that was an awesome party.

...yet you are still compulsively fingah-gunning.

Yeah, there are still people here.

Aw, Marty. You can't cry forever. T____T

Bruce-Bragi! While I do find it hilarious you treat this home like your own, your poor BFF could use a shoulder to cry on!

A little bit late for a swing pushing session with those two kids, ain't it, Noah? How about getting Nike and Psyche out here?

Asteria decides to finally tuck into the birthday cake. Guess it's because they finally got the body out of the kitchen?

...or not. (*waves to Mnem*)

Must've been a happy memory, for Marty's sake.

...just don't bongo yourself to death, sweetie.

Like her older brother before her, Asteria's got opinions on art.

It stinks!

...you're not a critic, but The Critic, huh?

That's such a funny joke!

Nope, I think it just shows how freaking old I'm getting, but thanks for humoring me?

Then she spent about four hours dancing before she had to catch the school bus. If Asteria doesn't get a dance scholarship, I'll eat her hairbows.

But I like my hairbows!

Mommy, is Grandpa going to die, too, because he's old.

Well, honey, everyone will die someday. Hopefully, your grandpa will be around for a very long time.

Don't be hasty, Khione, let's see how crazy your father's gotten before we say things like that!

I wonder how long Aeolus has been waiting to do this?

Longer than she's been waiting to do that?!

I wish we had an arcade machine!

...so instead of playing Wii or on the computer...your substitution is a newspaper. Do you want to spend quarters to do sudoku or the crossword or something?

...welp, back to the flour baby goes Marty. -_-

Since a) it's summertime and b) most of Khione's children are..."pleasantly plump," I have her try to encourage them all into the swimming pool.

Psyche's bathing suit is ADORABLE!

Overall results were...mixed, though.

Demetri (javabean_dreams) walks by...he's about the luckiest pixel_trade spouse I've had, married into the Magicakes Round Robin generation, which managed to have all the kids grow up before hit elder. ETERNAL YOUTH

And...kingmike1224's Dave Simpson out of nowhere. Why are you here? Why are you trying to eat spoiled pancakes? Your son, Aeolus, is at school!

Khione's about to become an elder, so she's not going to look a gift horse last roll in the hay in the mouth.

Even though you ran off and married some other dude and used me to father a secret son, you're still my BFF, Khione!

Dave, honey, there's always still a chance you could be a Bork. Don't give up your dignity on Khione--wait a minute, why am I being sympathetic?! What kind of idiot refuses to go steady with someone he wants to marry?


...I think Asteria's just figured out why her one brother is so much darker than all of the rest of her siblings.

I don't think Khione minds, though. She's lucky her HUSBAND is still at work.

Dave, proving nobody here can limbo.

jenga218's Pablo Junio walks past.

Unfortunately, Khione was...occupied.

Wow. Pump and dump?

I honestly don't know. Are these two even now?

...is Aeolus coming to a similar realization to Asteria's?

It's pretty bad to do that with all of the minor children at home, Khione, not gonna lie.

I guess that's the resolution of the Dave saga...still find it bizarre he just showed up at the house on his own!

Oh look who's home from work!

Wow, Marty. Your son-in-law's not suffered enough indignities today?

Khione, being mainly a Pleasure sim, finds no cognitive dissonance between being in love with her husband and banging her ex-boyfriend.

...on one hand, it's nice when ISBI kids make food. On the other hand, GRILLED FUCKING CHEESE AT 3AM. On the other other hand, not only Noah's kids do dishes.

Actually, it's nice to see Aeolus is fully integrated into the family.

He kinda sticks out like a sore thumb.

Oh well, Noah's been a good dad to him regardless of Khione's concept of free love.

The fridge has plenty of leftovers. Psyche just wanted to be annoying!

Oh, is Nike showing up her big sis at ~limbo skills~?


(Nike, apparently, makes all of the angry/annoyed faces.)


Asteria, like you never--

I'm sorry, that's about the worst thing ever, huh, Nike?

I think Asteria just likes laughing. Better big sister than Eostre Bork, at any rate.

Come visit beautiful Willowmere!

Uh, why are you acting like you're filming a vacation commercial?

You know, you guys might think it's weird I keep the drums and limbo bar out there permanently, but they're just attractive enough for some fun pictures without making my sims try to kill themselves.

See, Psyche, just ask and I'll get a snack for you. There's no need to dig random things out of the fridge.

When I grow up, I'm going to be a robot like Data and then I won't need to eat!

What if you end up a robot like Bender, and you have to drink? ;)

Aeolus! Not only is that mean, you really really really need to only do that when you're fully dressed. :|

Luckily, he quickly finds a drum and joins Asteria's jam. While Psyche spies on the neighbors.

Aw, Marty!

Marty was less successfully social than his wife--HEY.




B-but I had a flour sack baby to cuddle.


Harsh, Grim.


It also happened to be Asteria's 18th birthday. Looks like she gets to keep her hairbows, too.

...I'm sure Aeolus just had one more noogie to give her. *sigh*

Getting in some cute quality time with Nike. Since Khione and Noah are becoming elders, soon, I'm going to shorten the twins' childhood by a day or two.

Not more sandwiches, Aeolus. That fridge is full of actually tasty leftovers. After a shaky start, your mother's become a wonderful cook.

Grilled Cheese. is. awesome.


Wow, Psyche's actually being slightly social?

Better than her brother the tub pirate, I guess.

What are you doing, Khione?

Proving that I've got a hot body for a forty-nine year old.

Good job.

Quick jaunt over to see a YA version of Asteria, so you won't be surprised when she visits the house. Looks-wise, I think she's an absolutely fantasic looking blend of her parents. (Look, still has hairbows!)

I don't care how beautiful it is outside, you've got homework to do, young lady!

Awesome Dad victory dance!

I don't know if that's setting a good example, Noah.

With their NEW birthday looming, the girls tackle what little homework's piled up for them.

And Khione's brought Trebuchet Dork (katu_sims) home. He's married to her...Great-Great? aunt Athena.

This is the first (and only) returning hug Khione's gotten. Mostly because she spent most of the kids' childhoods not working out of the home.

Psyche continues to love solitary activity by autonomously floating around the swimming pool, alone.

...I went how many generations without teen residents voluntarily using that thing, Aeolus, just for you to spoil it?

Khione and Noah have one last roll in the sack...

...before Khione's aging up.

I'm not going to bother to make her retire, but thanks for the option, game. You're better than real life!

Khione as an elder. Not too much different, though she's gotten a slightly more conservative look.

The party isn't for her, it's for the girls. ;)

Nike wishes that she could get photographed making more flattering faces...

...and Psyche...maybe wishing this huge crowd would dissipate.

Looks like I'm half right. Very apt that the twins have very similar aspirations, very bizarre that Psyche would want to be a popularity sim.

Ah...maybe it's because Psyche loves everybody!

Still, I doubt Psyche will be that flamboyent, so I keep her in the outfit she aged up into. Very pretty, though.

Nike's keeping her outfit, too. Sort of fits her gregariousness. Both girls are great parental blends, and I like how Nike's face looks so much shorter than Psyche's without either looking freakish.

So, palest family ever or palest family ever?

Some Psyche spam to show you that she can smile--err, well, at least appear pleasant?

Great birthday party. Iris's creepazoid boyfriend showed up.

And Khione's older children...are being their same ol' selves.

All I'm saying is that you need to slow down with this grilled cheese business or you're going to wear out our spatula. And that would just be ridiculous.

Thanks, Khione.

Oh, now Psyche's smiling. Looks like these twins decided to dress alike, since they don't look much alike?

I bought you two pajamas. I really don't need to know that you went underwear shopping together.

But, Daaaaaad, we're twins!

No one will realize we're always secretly dressed alike!




Noah, if you didn't want Nike out in the lawn in her undies, you should've refused to play until she changed. Not bean her in the head with a football.

...all I'm saying is embarrassing your children can be a good way to teach them a lesson.


With the kids at school and Khione at work...here's Noah, everybody!

He shoots some hoops...that's about it.

School was awesome!


Ah, they bring home Arabella Bork.

Guess what? I LOVE dancing!

Great job at being social, Nike.

For god's sake, Aeolus, that's not how you get along with...well, anybody, but especially not women!

...Arabella, don't prove me wrong here?

Wow, Aeolus has got some game, apparently.

That was...interesting.

Where are you going?

Guess Psyche was just waiting for Aeolus to abandon that bathtub.

Oh, Noah...it's your birthday!

I forget which kid Arabella came home with, but it'd be hilarious if it was Nike. Just sayin'.

Here's old Noah. He's not quite as cute of an elder as Marty was, but it's still not bad. ;)

Mom, we're bored.

Play with us, Mom.

I'm watching this movie, girls!

I'll set up the game!

I'll help you watch the movie!

Yes, Khione, this is what happens when your kids are Family AND Popularity sims.

She eventually gave in, though.


I love this game!

Still making pancakes, erryday.

Pancakes are awesome, Mom!

I think the two hours of sleep must've gotten to Nike over there.

And Noah manages to autonomously earn 2 logic points. I was hoping he'd get promoted! (Spoiler: He didn't.)

Arabella came home with one of the girls again, but she didn't hold on to that pretense for very long.

I love this game!

Nike...did I thank you for bringing home Arabella?



Can I go back to my game now?

I'm totally best friends with everybody, Aeolus! I can hook you up!

I don't think he's impressed by your bragging there, sweetie.

Big homework party? Well, with Khione and Noah elders, and this generation seeming fairly long, I decided to just send the younger kids off to college sooner rather than later.

These two are still going at it, I see.

Psyche enjoys both dancing and underwear.

Arabella's got some interest in sports...she should get along with Khione and Noah, at least. Not sure about Aeolus and his gut, though...

...I stand corrected.

Aeolus blocks Arabella's kick, then scores on her. He moves fast for a chunky dude!

...sure, smoking is a normal after-sports pasttime.

You're gonna make that face at Psyche. Really. You?

But she's acting CRAZY.

Hint: That's not acting. Hint 2: So are you.

Okay, maybe she is a little more crazy.

Noah's still spry~

Don't know what sort of conversation made these two so happy. BUT THEY ARE

Which is as good a note as any to end this on, I suppose...

Younger kids: awesome grades, no dance scholarships. Huh.

And...I suppose, that is that...

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 9
Perma-Plat Sims: 9
Shrink Visits: 18
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 9
Self-Wettings: 48
Pass-Outs: 44
Fights: 31
Deaths: 20
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 4

So, a note on how we're going to proceed, for those of you who haven't been around for the end of one of these before. The Gen 10 Randolphs have already been migrated over to Veronaville. The only thing I haven't checked into yet is their LTWs. And, actually, since I never looked at them like a good ISBI player, I may not bother making them match. ;) Once the current brood of Laurinces hit Uni, they'll be put into a dorm with the Randolphs and we'll see what transpires. Favorite couple will continue on both families, giving an official Randolph Gen 10 heir. The twist this go-round is, since the audience picked every single official Randolph heir, I think I'm going to pick the heir after the merge.

The uni updates will be labeled with both family names, teasers will have both family names, and then if you want to continue following, everything'll be folded into the Laurinces.

Also, once we have a Gen 10 Randolph heir, there will be a reader's choice awards. A poll for you all to answer, everything from best heir to ugliest guy to favorite legacy moment, and then I make a retrospective post. There are a couple here if you're curious. :D

Oh, wait, you want to see what all the grown up Gen 10 Randolphs look like? FIIIIIIINE







A big thanks to everybody for reading, voting in all the heir polls, and to everyone whose sims have been used...from creepy walkbys to beloved (though crazy) spouses!

Update 1.1 was posted on January 1st, 2009, so this took me just over FOUR YEARS. Holy crap!

isbi, pixel_trade, randolph legacy, willowmere

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