Bork Legacy, Generation 5.4!

Jan 31, 2013 03:17

Zisa continues to be Miss Independent. Again, though, I'll point out her partners in baby-making: steezie_k's Blake Creelman, dothesmustle's Adam Piper, and simgaroop's Pollination Technicians.

I want your love, pixel_trade!

Last time, Zisa got abducted for the seventh (and final) time! The next challenge rolled was "Asteroid," which was less dramatic: basically there are a bunch of craters in the lawn for the next week. Zisa gave birth to her final alien spawn: twins Tanfana and Thor. Váli and Vör became children. Eostre became a teen, rolling Pleasure/Popularity. Lofn and Loki were good older siblings, taking care of all the extraneous alien children. Váli and Vör got into private school, and Vör decided she didn't get along with her twin. Tanfana and Thor became toddlers, then Loki and Lofn headed off to Uni.

Eostre, who eschewed taking care of younger siblings while they were toddlers, was confused by them not liking her once they were older. Ullr died, making most of his younger grandchildren very, very depressed. Tanfana and Thor became children. During their birthday party, Zisa spent some time with Blake Creelman, but she ended the update still single, alone in the Bork house with her five youngest children.

Eostre always seems to be pleased with herself, even if she hasn't really done anything to warrant it.

Today, however, she came home with Hercules Dork, so I guess that's as good a reason as any.

Vör's got Aeolus Randolph on the bus with her, so it's a very Randolph-y day.


Vör's even smart enough to interact with her own school friends!

The only sibling Eostre really interacts positively with is Tanfana--and it's only reading to her, really. The others are still kinda pissed at her letting them starve and stew in dirty diapers.

Poor Zisa's got a lot on her plate--she's still got several promotions left to hit her Visionary LTW, five children at home, inviting over the headmaster for the fourth time this generation, etc.

Eostre, you have a bedroom!

What's with the constant nervous-face, Hercules? If you're not a toddler, Eostre's pretty pleasant company!

You know what would be fun? If we had some beer!

Thank god you won't be seeing him again until your grandchildren are school-age.

Vör, despite getting some mood improvements lately, still has it in for her twin. Fantastic.

What did I do?

Váli just doesn't understand it. Frankly, neither do I.

Time for another challenge! This week, it's not a MEGAlist challenge, it's one of the Random Occurrence Scenarios. Zisa's gotta take out her 3 bestest friends out on the town some evening this week.

Just in case you were afraid my extra activities were cop-outs of some sort: the already stupidly busy torch holder is going to take an outing some evening, when she ought to be skilling, helping with homework, or feeding her children. Her three best friends are also three prior romantic partners that still have very strong feelings for her.

So, my daddy was a pilot?

How stupid is he?

Dude, Eostre, he's like seven years old. We can leave out the more horrible details of his conception, kay?

First walkby of the update: simtopi's Mars Landers. He needs to get in this family sometime and unpale them + add dat nose and brows.

Against anybody's better judgment, Zisa's off to work, leaving Eostre at home with the kids.

Eostre's getting close to her eighteenth birthday, so she tackles her homework pile.

Vör? Has absolutely no issue with baby brother Thor.

And Lofn calls home to check on her younger siblings.

Vör tackles a homework pile? We're getting some alien teens soon, then!

Haven't you realized it yet? You guys are all part alien!

So...Mommy met our Daddy on a rocketship?

I think Eostre's eye started twitching.

Why are you so far ahead of me?

Because I started before you, moron.

Even though Tanfana is the youngster who gets along with Eostre best, even she prefers the fishtank to her older sister.

Váli does not want a hug.

...never forget that Eostre's part POPULARITY.

Don't touch me!

Váli also doesn't want tickles.

You should be nice to your sisters, jerkface!

Like you ever have given him a reason to, Vör.

...using Eostre's rejection as an excuse to pick on her twin does NOT mean that Vör wants to interact with Eostre, either.

...are you serious?

...I guess we can just watch some TV.

Maybe you can, Vör is trying to sit on me!

Thor? Outside by himself, being awesome.

Twin feud continues to escalate.

I like to think Vár's smiling down on continuing V-sibling issues.


Thank god Zisa's back.



To add insult to injury, I'm pretty sure Vör back there is laughing at her brother.

Thor didn't finish learning about homework yesterday, so we had to finish off the lesson tonight.

Surprisingly enough, this isn't Eostre going crazy...she just wanted to play on the couch.

If only all of Eostre's ability to be a good independent Pleasure sim was actually fulfilling her wants.

Walkby spam: bondchick_nett's Faustie Roksana...

Another sim I want in the family for diversity and to stop the newspaper thievery: kingmike1224's Fleur Simpson.

Eostre gets home from school and is in some bizarre sort of well-behavior mode. First, she empties the toddler toilet that's been full for god knows how long. Bonus preview of the already-purple makeover of the nursery.

...I hope you're not driving yourself crazy by fulfilling fears to do manual labor.

The child-aged Randolph we haven't seen yet!

Vör's gotten an A+. (In bullying?)

...hmm, I'm surprised Aeolus can manage being friends with both twins.

Seriously, Eostre, it's a lost cause at this point.

Hurry, Psyche, occupy the children so Eostre stops bothering them.

Well, I, for one, am thankful that Eostre's due to leave for college in a matter of hours.

I do have a little sympathy. Even if both of those twins loved her, it must be hell putting up with twins that hate each other.

Damn, the bus is still letting people off!

Vör's family is crazy.

Your pedigree leaves you very little room to talk, Aeolus.

Well, I guess Psyche keeping Eostre occupied is good enough to keep her from tanking her relationship with her younger siblings even more.

Zisa arrived home, cleaned up the trash...

...doesn't even make it halfway back to the house before this.

How the fuck is there any trash left in there?

If you do that again, Eostre, I'll kil--

What, Mom?

We need to get inside before she hears--

Eostre told me there was a birthday party today!

Billy Joe and Lofn are on their way in...

...followed by Asrid and Loki.

Yep, time for the terror twins to become teens.

Yay alliteration.

Zisa's been drinking a lot of coffee. She can't even stand up during her kids' birthday party. No time!

Nice to see Zisa's ruined rubbed off on some of her children.

And if you wondering about the walkby that just "happened" to know about the birthday party? sukkamielli's Monique Spicoli. Of course.

Both twins are straight.

Vör is very pretty, but she's pretty much the spitting image of her Poli Tech parent.

Váli is mostly Zisa's face, with some alien bulgy brows.

What do you mean, you'd rather have a grilled cheese sandwich than cake? It's a birthday party, Uncle Billy!

Vör's first autonomous act as a teen is to get up and fart on the table.

You can see how much this pleased Váli.

Mom, is Aunt Astrid okay?

Hahaha, Lincoln has made his opinion on Monique quite clear, I see.

Seriously, 'nique, don't like the smustle, get the fuck out of the Bork house.

I don't know what's crazier, Billy Joe autonomously pulling leftover GC out of the fridge, or still-batshit Astrid crying about GC and not pulling any out.

See, it's all part of my plan. Become beloved by the readers, and then I'll have to get in the family eventually!

Yeah, that's how you became such a well-loved Randolph spouse--oh wait.

How's this plan working for you again, Monique?

Dude, I've got to get out of here before things get any crazier.

Wait a minute, Eostre, I'm pretty sure that Monique thing is all your fault!

We're 3/3 on Tsang Footwork Scholarships this gen. Anyone surprised?

Somehow, I think the only one missing Eostre much will be her mother.

Thor, again, just being awesome by himself outside.

Swimming! In the snow! VIKING POWER

Here's Eostre as a YA. Can't say she isn't gorgeous. Now that her lips have fully developed, they're even fuller than her mother' they probably came from her father, Adam. Definitely has Zisa's eyeshape, though!

Zisa continues to be happy as a clam as long as there are people in the household eating her sandwiches. I did notice something odd here, though...

...despite there being at least one empty and clear space at the table, Vör is literally as far away from Váli as she can be sitting and still be in the kitchen.

We've not seen much of Brandon since his mother Libby died, so Zisa invites him in.

I don't know why, he still enjoys his sister's company enough to socialize with her while she continues her insane amounts of skilling.

Vör continues to be inexplicably popular with folks that aren't in her immediate family.

...Helen, I thought that break-in happened before you were even born.

I wasn't joking. Anybody that isn't her sibling loves Vör.

...Brandon, that's racist.

Both of you are wearing the wrong expression for this!

Oh, right, I suppose Zisa needs to get the weekly challenge knocked out. So I made a scored outing...her three closest friends, who are also still in love and crush with her. Ferdinand August (brilliantcat), Blake Creelman (steezie_k, father of Loki and Lofn), and Adam Piper (dothesmustle, father of Eostre).

Everyone shows up at the house...

...which just won't do.

So Zisa and the boys are going to pile in her car and go off on their outing. It'll be fine, the kids are getting older, plus Uncle Brandon will be there!

...everything will be fine in Zisa's absence, I'm sure!

Where do you go when you can't decide what you want to do? HOOPLA!

I see raemia's Helle Almassy is already enjoying...looking at the cashier?

First action is for you to bang Blake in the photobooth, Zisa? I see this outing ending well!

Okay, sex enrages nobody. Ferdinand just gets all touchy-feely with Zisa after they're done. Who knows, maybe Helle was distracting Adam or he doesn't care--

One small flirtation? ADAM WIGS OUT

A spectacularly failed outing? This week's challenge went well, dontcha think?

Zisa apologizes, because we don't need anymore dumped trash cans now that Adam's crazy daughter's off at college. Blake is performing impressively on the dance sphere, and I'm beginning to regret that we never married him in--the age difference between he and Zisa is now way too large for me to do it.

I can't wait for winter to be over!

Love how Blake's oblivious to how he and Zisa wrecked the whole evening out.

Despite how things looked at Zisa left, she comes home to Vör being all domestic. Making grilled cheese, but it's better than not eating.

...I think I forgot Helen was into girls? No wonder she came home with Vör?

I just don't understand, why do we always have grilled cheese for breakfast?

Thor, you are asking that question of the worst people.

...all this time, and that's the first slap. I've been hopeful about this not escalating to brawls, but it's only a matter of time...

Gah, Zisa still has more promotions to go.

Helen's back again, but she might be damaging this budding friendship...

...Vör hasn't been a very tolerant person.

No, actually, Vör loves pranks if Helen's doing them, I guess.

Ullr's first ghostly appearance is a depressing as expected. Your family needs you still! :(

Poor Zisa's lacking Mechanical skill and still hasn't topped Creativity. Artists kind of need thos skills.

...welp. Pretty sure Váli's doing the attacking and, frankly, I don't blame him.

If only this would make Vör leave him in peace.

Thor? Tucked away in a room by himself, being awesome.

Actually, it's winter and this isn't a bed, so I'm not that mad at Tanfana bouncing around over here. She's unlikely to overheat.

Thor's rare in that he didn't realize he loved sports while injuring himself and/or others.

Wow, tackling homework piles already? Well, in order for timing things to work out nicely, I am aging up Thor and Tanfana a day early so they can have a bit of teenhood.

I want the kids at Uni before another Tuesday rolls around. Also, Zisa's getting older...

Always interesting when your grilled cheese sims manage to keep slim on their own.

For some reason, Zisa wasn't able to use the guitar, so I swapped it out for this keyboard. I figured she was sick of painting.

Another birthday party. All Zisa's YA children, plus any of her siblings that deign to show up.

All the party-goers mob the couch. I hope they aren't trying to see the television.

We wrangle them all in the kitchen for Tanfana and Thor's birthday.

Huh, both family sims. Though Thor's got that odd Family/Romance combo that's currently being rocked by Quimby Laurince.

These two are both into girls.

Here's Tanfana. As you can see, she's got a lot of Poli Tech in her, but is a slightly better blend than her sister Vör is.

Of all the alien children, though, I'm most fond of Thor. He's chill, cute, a good blend, and dat fro.

Wanted a shot of Tanfana's outfit. She grew up into that Eostre-hand-me-down sweater, and those bottoms (though with yellow tights), which I thought was interesting enough to keep.

Vör's suddenly attached to the Myshuno machine.

...which is saving her from any more attacks from Váli.

Thor is dancing, and that's awesome!

...I know you guys are really, really into this dancing thing, but you're scaring me, Tanfana.

The party guests have found Myshuno, which at least makes being interested in the game make sense.

Thor just beaned his twin sister with the baseball. :D

Dude, Thor, what the hell?


...wait, what is Lofn doing back there?


I like to document the sims that become infatuated with the bike, so if they suddenly die, it's not a surprise.

Myshuno again, Vör?

Tanfana, maybe she'd talk to you if you stopped hiding behind the door.

...okay, what ghost just struck?

Answer: None of them. Looks like Váli just peed himself.

Stew in your shame!

Once he's clean, he has a nice, playful faux-fight with the only sister I currently know he likes.

Don't let that asshole tell you a ghost scared him. He's just too stupid to find the bathroom.

Thanks for that, Vör.

Because you two need more things to fight about.


...then go to the kitchen?!

On the plus side, I think Váli skidded to a stop before he smashed the family jewels.

The only peaceful interaction recorded between these two? The SMUSTLE. Of course.

(Note: They never, ever managed to get in sync. Huh.)



This is how Vör fingah-guns Váli. The hate is that. strong.

Zisa's still about a half point away from maxing her creativity, so she's slogging away at the keyboard again today.



Vör wants you all to know she's a suck-up.

Váli won't stand for it.

Uh, guys, your mom's kind of working on something important in here...

Ah, well, that's that.

Proceed with the stupid feud.

Looks like the one that Váli won might've been a fluke. :/

Well, Thor might be mighty enough to wield a hammer now? ;)

(You know it's late when you type "wighty enough to mield" at first.)



Either Thor finds noogies amusing, or Uni's going to be a fucking warzone by the time we get there.

Yeah, I don't really get your older brother either, Thor., too? ...really?


This thief is stakeit_uk's Bronwyn Darwin. Jerk.

Let Tanfana be, Vör, she's about ten times more useful than you are.

I'm surprised that all four of them are in a room without even one bit of hideous failure!


Uh, Thor, you can't just osmose food by being in the kitchen when you smustle.

Karma's a bitch, Vör, ain't it?

Hercules, you're the son of a god, not the son of God, so stop trying to walk on water.

...still no Visionary. T____T

I pretty much never do this, but I wanted to ensure Zisa grew up well. She'll be uncontrollable the next time she goes to work, and I don't know how long it'll take her to secure that last promotion.

...holy crap, I'm worried about her managing to snag away the next heir's husband, if there is one. I'd give her some subtle wrinkles, if I had any that worked well with her skintone/undertone.

Both boys won Tsang footwork! That makes 5/7, not bad! Also, these popups do mean that Tanfana didn't manage to get any scholarships.

So, Zisa, you've got one more evening of sanity. What are you going to do?

I'm going to get a good night's sleep for once!

And we leave Zisa in the early morning, doing some chatting...

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 4
Perma-Plat Sims: 4
Shrink Visits: 5
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 1
Self-Wettings: 19
Pass-Outs: 23
Fights: 21
Deaths: 7
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 7
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 3

Are you still here? Good! It's finally time for another heir poll! We've got seven eligible kids this generation, since my PT hack is P_T eligible.

Lofn Bork
- fathered by Blake Creelman
- Knowledge/Grilled Cheese
- is blonde underneath all that blue

Loki Bork
- fathered by Blake Creelman
- Knowledge/Family
- I used to think he was a Zisa clone, but his adult face does remind me of Blake's, a bit
- has elf ears, if you care about that sort of thing

Eostre Bork
- fathered by Adam Piper
- Pleasure/Popularity
- ducklips?

Váli Bork
- fathered by aliens
- Family/Grilled Cheese
- face is probably Zisa's + alien browshape
- feuding with Vör

Vör Bork
- fathered by aliens
- Grilled Cheese/Fortune
- appears to strong resemble alien parent
- feuding with Váli

Tanfana Bork
- fathered by aliens
- Family/Fortune
- a bit more of a blend than Vör, but still seems to have a lot of the alien parent's face

Thor Bork
- fathered by aliens
- Family/Romance
- face is probably Zisa's + alien browshape

Oh, and I'm pretty sure all the aliens have elf ears...

As always, poll is reader's choice.

Poll Bork Generation 5 Heir Poll!

rainbow, viking death squad, isbi, pixel_trade, bork legacy, willowmere

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