Jul 14, 2010 22:38
In a past post I posed some questions about Christianity (most of which are still unanswered sadly). Now I shall do the same thing to my own spirituality: witchcraft. Some of these questions I have since speculatively answered.
Why does the Witch's god have horns?
A: Because he's a representation of both man and beast/wild animal
Where were the God and Goddess obtained from?
A: God: from cave depictions of horned men and various nature gods throughout Europe. Goddess: God is a hunter, so Goddess is a huntress, which explains why Diana (Artemis) is most often cited as the Goddess (she is a hunter).
Random fact: Did you know that Diana is mentioned in the bible? Acts 19:28--Check it out :)
What are color associations based on? Where did they come from? (same goes for crystals and herbs)
Why dual entities--why male and female? Why not gender neutral? Why think in Black and White (why think in terms of opposites)?
Why follow the moon?
A: Diana is a moon goddess and a woman's cycle is the same length as the moon's cycle
Why is the moon female and the sun male?
A: See above answer for moon. I can see the earth being female and the sun being male--sunlight fertilizes the land and makes plants grow.
Who is the [non-wiccan] Goddess?
Why do some versions of traditional witchcraft make references to Cain and Abel, and others to Tubal Cain?
Where can I find good non-wiccan books about the goddess? I'm looking for one that is along the same lines as Nigel Jackson's Masks of Misrule: The Horned God and His Cult in Europe.
Regardless of these questions, I still consider myself to be a witch/pagan/whatever. The whole Jesus thing? Not for me. The whole heaven vs. hell thing? Not for me. The whole devil's-gonna-get-your-soul thing? Definitely not for me. I don't like that; it's too restricting. Religion shouldn't restrict you, it should liberate you (metaphysically speaking--sometimes a physical restriction can be spiritually liberating).
I believe in a divine spiritual energy that flows through everything rather than sentient beings; I also believe that some people have guardian spirits. I wonder how or where this can fit into a spiritual path? I also wonder how I could go about mixing Asatru and witchcraft, as I like Asatru's stories/fables