Does anyone know anything about witchcraft? No, I don't mean the fluffy bunny crap, otherwise known as Wicca. I mean the real deal--the one that embraces both light and dark that was shrouded in mystery for centuries. I've become quite curious about it, as I've come across some grimoires written by modern day occultists and witches.
It has been stated or thought by many that witchcraft was the pre-christian religion or practice of our European ancestors. However, my research has taught me that what the early Europeans followed was a variety of polytheistic faiths that are more akin to plain old shamanism than anything else. The modern day horn-headed image of Satan/the devil can be traced to the Greco-Roman god, Pan, the Celtic god Cernnunos, and to cave paintings in the British Isles (which are thought to be symbols of hunter and hunted being one). Also, much of what was thought to be "witchcraft" long ago was actually just technological talent and advancement, like metalsmithing and medical practice. In other words, those who were "witches" were actually just doctors, metalworkers, etc.
Many of today's witches claim that their ways are not devil worship, nor is witchcraft a christian faith (some even go as far as to say that witchcraft is pre-christian). However, if that's the case, then why do the grimoires that I have make biblical references? Take, for example, this quote from the dedication page of "Azoetia" by Andrew Chumbley:
"O' Sethos! Rise up and remember!
Recall the Promise once stain'd in red upon the primal dust of Earth!
By baying dog and moon-beam, by lantern, stave and upright stone
Come fathom the starlit heights of Heaven in the Old Dew-pool of Cain.
Come ring the blood round with the Serpent, Come turn the skin of time,
come pace about the corpse of Abel, here break the Fate of Mortal Man!
Here cast forth the Visions from Yesterday, from Tomorrow, unto Today.
Here open the Way for the Crooked Path, for the Pathway forever to be!
O' Sethos! Rise up and remember,
'Til Thy Namesake, the Man of Light, is born!"
If witchcraft deals not with Christianity, then why the references to images such as Cain and Abel? Where did witchcraft come from? How did it come about? Was it in reality just part of a negative reaction to the Church's takeover? A deliberate rebellion perhaps? This is what I would like to know. What is the relationship between witchcraft and Christianity?
Books that I would love to get my hands on:
Masks of MisruleThe Call of the Horned Piper P.S. Has anyone ever heard of a biblical character named Lilith? Supposedly, she was Adam's (as in Adam and Eve) first wife who refused to be subservient to Adam and ran off. I find the story highly amusing and was wondering if that's really a biblical story or just a bunch of internet baloney.