I -somehow- managed to survive yesterday's crazy Christmas tree sale at work - I feel dead after cleaning up the battlefield and sorting out the casualties (among the casualties: my work phone, my coworker's bruised foot, my boss' work phone, a pair of Wellingtons, approximately seventy million pairs of gardening gloves, two jackets and a Christmas hat.) today, but now I'm home and heading to bed in a few because: going to the Christmas Market in Lübeck tomorrow! Excitement!
Now gearing up for the crazy fireworks sale starting on Friday, celebrating Christmas with my brother on Saturday and Sunday and then back to the last crazy weeks of work before January happens. Eep. Where did the time go?
Now this is my jam for the rest of the year and totally excited for the Little Mix concert next year <3 Dance, dance, dance, this track is perfect <3
Take care, lovelies <3
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