Title : Jin's Secret
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG-13
Genre : fluff, slightly humor (if it visible)
Beta by : none
Disclaimer : I don't own anything but the story
Summary : Jin was hiding something from Kazuya.
A/N : Special for
cnidaria_jin because she such a nice girl and I want to write something for her (^ ^). Suddenly the idea popped when I helped
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thank you so much for this~ so... sequel?
the way you describe it make me hungry and drooling lol.
i dunno will i write a sequel for it or not. i was thought this one is kinda lame tbh. but i'm so glad that you like it (^ ^)
it was really great... you should make a sequel for this... like an after taste of the wine that's in the parfait... ;)
your description really make me * ___ * lol
well, let's see if the sequel will done or not~ :3
but right now, i'd rather wait~
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