haven't you ever wished you could have your mouth wired shut? oh... it's not just me then.

Aug 05, 2004 19:11

My colon is a never-ending feeling of pain and misery.

i stole this off the comic jon put up on his journal. if you don't get it, and it doesn't make you laugh that i'm putting this up, don't worry about it.

my health has taken a turn for the brighter side, which makes me very happy. i can actually move at work without making odd faces. i did awesome on my sales today so hopefully my next pay check will actually be more then my car payments. x_x; on a happier note, i saw domico today. he's the one that offered to call the corporate office to let them know how good a job i'm doing. ^-^ i don't think he ever made that call, but it's nice just to know that i'm appreciated. not to mention he's hot. i swear he looks just like kobe bryant, only better. he's a sweet guy.

anyways, i went to the orthodontist today and they said i still have to keep them on a bit longer, and just to beat down my confidence that they would soon be gone, they decided to give me rubber bands, so now i get to have my mouth rubber band shut for most of the day and i sound funny when i talk because my teeth are constantly clenched. it'll be interesting to see people's reactions at work tomorrow.

speaking of tomorrow, i'm going to visit my aunt lydia in the hostpital tomorrow. apparently she's having some serious health issues, which isn't surprising since apparently she's been living on the streets. i'm a bit worried about going to see her. she always makes me uncomfortable and i'm going with my dad, so i'm a bit worried he's going to be upset seeing her like that. sadly, i kind of wish she would die so we'd stop having to worry about her.
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