I think my LJ is now going to be reserved for reviews and such now XD
I've finally read the dreadful Twilight book... The first one that is. I have yet to continue on to New Moon. And my sister wants me to continue on already :P But I've decided I want to pace myself. Lest I break my brain further.
Now... On to the proper review
I like the book. And I hate it at the same time. I don't wanna go paragraph form, I'll use a list instead ^_^
Let's start with the bashing first.
Why I don't like it
1) It is so obvious that Bella is an utter Mary Sue. I think I'd be more accepting of their relationship if I felt that Bella had somehow earned Edward's attention properly. But she didn't really. All the things she did that I felt redeemed herself to me, happened AFTER he decided he was totally in love with her. But that's not it. She just HAPPENS to be his heroin. She just HAPPENS to be the only person on Earth he can't read the mind of. And she supposedly reacts differently from other people. You know what? She doesn't... She seriously acts like a normal jaded, anti-social teenager to me.
Except for when she reacts about his being a vampire. Which, if you ask me, is utterly abnormal. I'm sorry to my boyfriend, but if I found out he was a vampire, I -would- freak out! ... I would probably eventually come around yes (Because I do love him after all), but the initial reaction really would be to freak out. And why is she so insistent, without even CONSIDERING it, that she should be turned?! What the HELL?! -I- had a character that was in love with a vampire, and it took him MONTHS to decide if he wanted to be turned or not, to the point that the two of them even accepted that he was eventually going to die, and they might have to deal with that. In fact, in the end, it wasn't even his choice to be turned. They -had- to do it...!
Okay, I have to stop ranting about that...
2) I don't like Bella and Edward. What I mean by that is, I don't like them -together. Bella can be annoying on her own, but I never particularly hated her. I like Edward fine when he's not with Bella. But put them together, and you get 200 pages of mushy, sappy, angsty sap. I was in such utter PAIN that I struggled to get through those pages. Oh, and I know I have Edward-fan friends, so please don't kill me... Edward... annoys me. x____x That scene in the meadow where he was all "I'm too dangerous for you. But I love you too much. But I can kill you. But I can't stay away with you!" ... I was ready to throw the book out the window...
3) Tied in with #2, I hate being in Bella's head. It was fine for the first how many pages. But when she started falling for Edward, it got bad. It really got bad. Suddenly, I was constantly reading how perfect he is. His perfect eyes, his perfect hair, his perfect skin, his perfect face, his perfect BREATH. She's so dazzled. She can't live without him. It's hard to breathe without him. PLEASE SPARE ME!!!!!
Why I like it
1) I like the concept of the book. I like the concept of the vampires. Minus some things (SPARKLING?! honestly!!). I like how the vampires act like real people (which you don't see very often)
2) I. Love. The Other Characters. I mean, the other vampires. I love Alice. I love Jasper. I love Emmett. I love Esme. I love Carlisle. Heck I love the CONCEPT of Carlisle, a compassionate vampire who became a doctor. How is it that she made a lovely little cast of interesting semi-side characters, but can't get me to love her main couple? @_@
3) I love the tiny bit of plot at the end of the book. That was interesting. I don't hate any moment of that part. I even admire Bella's decisions there. Medyo bitin lang
4) I actually DO like Stephanie Meyer's writing style. I know it's not profound or anything, but she has just the right amount of description. She doesn't put too much (Tolkien?) and the things she does describe are the normal things a jaded teenager would notice. She also has the right amount of dialogue (nobody monologues!!) and her conversations are even very natural.
So I think that's what this all boils down to. I like the book. I don't like the main couple. If she'd chosen a different main couple, I'd probably like it even more.
I can't wait to get to the next books to read up more about all the other characters. I'll just speed read through the sap if I have to.
We also watched the movie! Just today. And let me just tell you. It was god-awful PAINFUL. But it wasn't painful for the reasons that you think. I had the utter misfortune of sitting in a movie theater filled with twelve-year old teeny bopper FANGIRLS. Every time Edward even showed up, the movie theater erupted into fangirlish screams. I wanted to bang my head into something. There were "kilig" moments that I admit even I could have liked, except that the "kilig" was automatically washed away by the annoyance over the immatureness of my companions.
It was... so much more painful than reading the book.
But enough about that, I would like to talk about the movie itself, of course.
I actually liked the movie. I have to admit though, maybe a large part of the movie's success for me, is the fact that YOU'RE NOT INSIDE BELLA'S HEAD.
I LOVED THE BASEBALL GAME!! I loved how they were all so playful. I loved how Emmett and Edward smashed into each other in midair, and fell, and ended up rolling on the ground, giggling like idiots.
I ACTUALLY LIKED BELLA AND EDWARD IN THE MOVIE. Maybe because it wasn't over the top. It's just that the parts that I felt I could have liked were ruined by annoying screams. Though admittedly, I was initially annoyed, because their relationship was even more abrupt than in the book. But once they were together, they weren't overly saptastic. Maybe I was happy because I didn't have to read how Bella was reacting to the lines...
I actually liked Robert Pattinson as Edward too O_O I liked how he delivered some of the lines. The scene in the meadow didn't annoy me. And I like how.. playful he's portrayed after Bella knows... It's like, he's suddenly given a chance to be a teenager and he can actually act like HIMSELF.
And I thought it was soooo cute how at the end, he pretended he was going to bite her neck, but kissed it instead, and you see his lips curl up into a smile, that was so cute!!!
(And I admit that scene where they were together and he came out in shades, I was also kinda O_O SQUEEE internally. I just couldn't squee properly because the damn girls were also squeeing >___> And I LIKED THAT WHOLE SCENE where he put an arm around her and everything. YES I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THE "KILIG" MOMENTS *coff*)
I even like the extra lines they added in that weren't in the book.
What I didn't like is how they utterly played DOWN her school friends. Tyler and Eric really were supposed to be annoying, but Bella actually DID like hanging out with Mike and sincerely liked Jessica, somewhat (and wasn't just deadma to her). In the movie, she really seemed like she was there only because she had to be. I just really hate what they did to Mike... x_x
I just have to say though, that as usual, they left out a lot of explanations. There were a lot of details I would have appreciated them mentioning. They sped through a lot of things way too fast in a way that made the start of the movie kinda choppy. So I really think it's one of those movies that you have to have read the book first to appreciate.
And finally... I have to say... I LIKE THIS LINE:
"Aren't you satisfied just spending a long happy life with me?"